Education reform, couchsurfing, world traveling, gypsies, folklore, futbol, urban adventuring, moving pictures, still pictures, sounds, and those thingies what have scribbles all over them square bits of paper. Oh, and caffeine. I am deeply interested in caffeine.
Anyone who can verbally banter before getting schnockered, and anyone who can only dance after. And whoever made this thing--
A list that is by no means comprehensive, albeit represenative of generalities of taste: Elliot Smith, the Decemberists, the Helio Sequence (hey, I grew up around Portland, what can I say?), Captain Bogg and Salty, Gogol Bordello, the Faint, Neutral Milk Hotel, Shastakovich, Every Move a Picture, the Lovemakers (hey, I lived in the Bay Area for spell), John Wesley Harding, Tom Waits, John Coltrane, Django Rheinhardt, and whenever I wanna dance like I don't have to wake up at 6am the next morning, Fischerspooner or Electric Six make me very very happy and dancey.
Anything by Tony Gatlif or Emir Kusterica (see aforementioned interest in gypsies); the Big Lebowski always makes me laugh; the director's cut of Donnie Darko is amazing; and most recently, Tristam Shandy made me laugh until I thought I might puke.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report are the only shows I watch with any regularity, although I am not immune to the vortex of VH1 and their infernal day-long marathons of how much a bunch of C list celebrities love a period of time.
Good lord, me and books. I am an English teacher in training, so this one is tough. Mentioning authors might be easier: Eggers, Letham, Ames, Faulkner, Spiegelman, Wright, Ellison, ee cummings, Rilke, Vonnegut, Wilde, Orwell. And Confederacy of Dunces is brilliant. Just fucking brilliant.
It sounds trite, but I really look up to my boss, Dave Eggers, for putting together 826 Valencia. And I am rather fond of my parents, just because...well, meet them sometime, and then you tell me why they are neat. Because they are, and it goes beyond my vocabulary.