Member Since: 3/23/2007
Band Members: Dick the Fist, Bend n' Blow, and Stinkcrotch...
Influences: Machine Gun Kelly; Baby-faced Willie; Slobbery Jim; David Koresh; Mean Joe Green; Kid Twist; Corcoran's Roosters; Forty Thieves; One Lung Curran; Humpty Jackson Gang; The Tub of Blood Bunch; The Yakey Yakes; "Eat 'Em Up" Jack Mc Manus; The Whyos; The Hudson Dusters; Italian Dave's Gang; Delta Force (the movie); The Marginals; Squab Wheelman's Gang; The Slaughter House Boys; The White Hands; The Pansies; The Potashes; Reddy the Blacksmith; Syksey; Louie the Lump; The Grabber; Legs Diamond; Gyp the Blood; Socco the Bracer; Little Kishky; George "Snatch'em" Lease; Brian Bosworth; Hungry Joe; Dan the Dude...
Sounds Like: Stallone.
Record Label: Apesauce Records
Type of Label: Indie