Blackface Jazzhands profile picture

Blackface Jazzhands


About Me

me Pronunciation Key pron. The objective case of I.1. Used as the direct object of a verb: He assisted me. 2. Used as the indirect object of a verb: They offered me a ride. 3. Used as the object of a preposition : This letter is addressed to me. 4. Informal. Used as a predicate nominative: It's me. 5. Nonstandard. Used reflexively as the indirect object of a verb: I bought me a new car.Farewell Pluto!

My Interests

WOO HOO!!! Things I like.....Food, I love to eat, like sushi, ribs, oh yeah I'm talking BBQ. Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Cuban, hell yeah breakfast food !!!! ice cream and chocolate. I think that’s a good start.Dancing, I love it.Egypt, there’s just something alluring about it.Philosophy.Martial Arts. I study Shinto-Yoshin Kai Ju-jitsu.Meditation and soul searching. Wait never mind, found it, and theres not one.Kissing, oh I love kissing.Sex and lots of it :)Movies, mostly comedies.Obscure art, be it music or photography or paintings, you get the idea.That’s all you get for now.oh yeah and black face!

I'd like to meet:

Old Friends. New faces. The Giant Lobster-Man From Mars. ..


Ok so I'm really into goth, mostly deathrock, like Christian Death or 45 Grave or Sex Gang Children, but I enjoy the out-there stuph like The Birthday Party or Virgin Prunes. Industrial music, like Skinny Puppy or FLA, Throbbing Gristle, Spahn Ranch, Cabaret Voltaire or I,parasite, and Nitzer Ebb. The Smiths. Classic Punk Rock!!!!! Horror Punk, some rockabilly, a little techo, ABBA Baby lol. Klause Nomi (very bazar). Richard Cheese. Old School Hip-hop and some good 80's music.


didn't you read what I said, mostly comedies, gez!!!!


Hell I love Cartoooooons damn it!!!!!

My Blog

tremendous babel fish

deseo que yo no tuviera este volcan para que pueda impermeable con este pedazo dulce de asno este fin de semanadesire that I did not have east volcano so that weekend can impermeable with this sweet p...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:38:00 PST

odd facts

 Urophobia is the fear of urine or urinating.Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.97% of all paper money in the US contains traces of cocaine.Hydrogen solid is the most dens...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:58:00 PST

The 6th Satanic Point

VI) Never love anything so much you cannot see it die.-The 21 Satanic Points, From the Order of the Nine Angles.
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 01:29:00 PST

World's first cloned cat has kittens

COLLEGE STATION, Texas - The world's first cloned cat just became a mother  and she even did it without test tubes. Copy Cat, who was cloned by Texas A&M University researchers in 2001, had thre...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:41:00 PST

more babel fun!!!!

Porque dormí momentáneamente, y tuve un mal sueño y entonces yo estaba arriba toda la noche. Y chupó.Because I slept momentarily, and I was badly a then sleepy and I was above all the night. And he ab...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:36:00 PST

the joys of Babel Fish

Usted me hace loco. yo no sé si pensar que usted es soñador o malo. o completamente ridículo!!You do crazy person to me. I do not know if to think that you are soñador or bad. or completely ridiculous...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:00:00 PST

its offical

shit is to be replaced with squash
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:06:00 PST

Buddhist monk cuts off penis and renounces refix

--> -->Wed Nov 22, 6:23 AM ET BANGKOK (Reuters) - A Thai Buddhist monk cut off his penis with a machete because he had an erection during meditation and declined to have it reattached, sayin...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:34:00 PST

december 07

Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 06:32:00 PST

Goddess of discord and strife and Daimon of lawlessness

all witness Eris past the halls of death and transformation small and irrelevant she walks with her daughter Dysnomia beyond the kingdom of the gods unraveling their non-accepting order with their cha...
Posted by Blackface Jazzhands on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 01:13:00 PST