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And all... I want... to be... is too much sometimes for me...

About Me

the beauty of myspace is any1 can write anything...its how we want to be seen and not neccessarily who we are...idiots can appear prolific, assholes genuine, ugly people beautiful, and losers can pretend they have lives...does it matter what i put? no, because if u know me u won't read this and if u don't know me, u probably never will..hows this: i lie, cheat, and seriously...i am ambitious yet lazy, i have a love/hate relationship with myspace...i'm a good platonic date....i know a little about a lot...i love stick ball and beer(2gether of course) close to my bro and sis'(jess counts)...i like spicy a hypochondriac...i like the dentist...i think it would be a better world if people worried less about others...they aren't worrying about u... i always thought it was important to be honest but now i am starting to wonder if it is not such a good thing...who knows...i sure don't...no1 ever really knows any1... "the busiest person will accomplish the most"---trying not to fear it... sometimes i feel uncomfortable and i dont know why...sometimes i close my eyes and start to cry...sometime i feel the world is wrong...sometimes i get lost in the words of a song...sometimes i find things are easy to see...sometimes there are days i dont wanna be me...With all of this I feel now...Everything inside of my heart...It all just seems to be how...Nothing I feel pulls at me at all...Again I wait for this to pull apart...
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My Interests

music, writing, pink stuff, boys, miller lite, reading, cartoons, making friends, rhymes, playing pool, vampires fascinate me as do spies and sharks...but i hate blood...kissing boys...
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I'd like to meet:

genuine individuals who do not take themselves too seriousi would like to meet the girl tbs sings about- she really pissed them off- some1 who'll "keep me close like a promise kept" the real jake epstein people who don't fly off the handle over trivial issues people who are mature enough to have a discussion, yet don't cross the line guys without girfriends and no tom cruise fans please...people who are nice to me, i suppose...Emo Phillips...people who like me back...any1 who understands that what drives me destroys me...A heart so warm it makes rainbows cry.
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too much to put


the list keeps growing


as does this list


Tender is the Night,Thing of Beauty, Shipping News, The Old Man and the Sea, To Kill a Mockingbird, Bloodlust, Naked, Me talk pretty one day,party monster, clubland, he's just not that into you, anything by Bret Easton Ellis(he inspires me like nothing else in this world 3 him!!) i mostly like poetry


ferris bueller and bono and tila tequila

My Blog

There is no title diverse enough for this piece of work

I have been feeling really comfortable lately. Like I am in a routine that just flows and its pretty refreshing. I like where I am at in this life, in this moment. I might go to Texas next month for a...
Posted by nadia on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:59:00 PST

Will the world stay standing still.. at least for me

Hey it is a NEW year...lindsey is in rehab...aniston has implants...britney looks trashier than ever...joel madden is FINALLY getting laid...and AFI is gettin the attention...Me, well I went...
Posted by nadia on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:32:00 PST

Want to See My New Year's Eve?

src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">..>
Posted by nadia on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 04:03:00 PST

Another Year Down

So here I am at the end of '06, and I must say, I'm happy. I conquered something I feared for years, and yeah, it's sad- attending a school after Bergen. I successfully finished my first semester at R...
Posted by nadia on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:36:00 PST

Four score and seven years ago....

I am pretty happy my semester is over in two weeks, but I am pissed I didn't get enough financial aid to take a winter class. If only people voted more and our government was filled with those who rea...
Posted by nadia on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST

Looking Back

I wrote this in December of 1999. Its funny how so much time can pass and yet, things don't change. I know learning a lesson only counts if you don't repeat the mistake, but each time you give your he...
Posted by nadia on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 09:07:00 PST

Idle Hands on a Keyboard

I haven't written anything in a while and I have been kind of blah lately. I am trying really hard to just do my school thing and work towards a career that will be fulfilling. Along this road, I fall...
Posted by nadia on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:21:00 PST

Who Knew I Could Find So Many Reasons People Suck?

Okay, I must again begin with a disclaimer: These points are not done to be malicious and are not necessarily my own. I have compiled them from my experiences and those of my friends. Enjoy and feel f...
Posted by nadia on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 07:01:00 PST

Something Wrong With the World (for Shana)(my first request)!!

It is pretty much human nature to complain (by the way did u subscribe to my blog yet? lol), however, I am starting to develope an allergy to those who do so without reason. My biggest pet peeve is wh...
Posted by nadia on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:33:00 PST

Making Sure We're on the Right Page- Mine of course!!!

Apparently my recent blogs about how guys (and girls) can suck has lead people to assume I am looking for the perfect guy. Well, I can tell you all that I am not. Although it would be nice to have som...
Posted by nadia on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:59:00 PST