well...other&wonderful fresh news...I'll partecipate to a collective show at ''Black Maria Gallery''...here all the informations:
Immigrant Punk
At black maria gallery
20 October – 11 November 2007
Opening Reception: Saturday 20th October, 7:00 – 10:30pm
3137 Glendale Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
323.660.9393 & 818.613.9090
Gallery hours: Tues-Sat 12 PM-6 PM or by appointment
Los Angeles – Black Maria Gallery announced “Immigrant Punk,†a group exhibition that will open on Saturday, October 20, 2007, at 7 PM.
Participating Artists: Bask, John Casey, Ken Garduno, Douglas Alvarez, Martina Secondo Russo, Nicoz Balboa, Andre Firmiano, Hagop Belian, Pogo, Nina Nichols, Angela Penaredondo, Claudio Parentela, Sam Saghatelian, Glynnis Reed and Jasko.
According to Black Maria Gallery director Zara Zeitountsian, the exhibition, whose title was inspired by a song by the punk group Gogol Bordello, is homage to a particular facet of the immigrant experience.
“While immigration may be as American as apple pie, there are those individuals or groups who shape an extraordinary reality as they reinvent themselves in a new environment,†Zeitountsian said. “It is this constructive, hugely life-affirming aspect of immigration that our upcoming show celebrates.
“A veritable maelstrom of challenges awaits an immigrant in a new country: the language barrier, unfamiliar rules and ways of doing things, different traditions and cultural approaches, the very imperative of carving one’s own path out of an alien place,†Zeitountsian continued. “What’s significant is that certain immigrants will plunge into that maelstrom with gusto, and will not only tackle all the challenges but color the whole experience in terms of their own cultural roots and identity. I think there’s something of the spirit of punk music and art to all this.â€
“Immigrant Punk†will feature new and recent works by a number of local and international artists. A Black Maria Gallery representative said that though not all participating artists are immigrants, most could perfectly identify with the immigrant experience through the style and inspiration of their work or because of their families’ deep immigrant roots.
Zeitountsian further commented on the parallels between punk and immigration. “Punk music and art do not pertain strictly to a specific cultural movement that exploded in the 1970s and continued to evolve on the fringe,†she explained. “Rather, punk is a certain attitude and way of seeing that doesn’t necessarily come with props and a mohawk. It’s about the exuberance and joy of rejecting limitations and doing one’s own thing, of following the call of an inner rhythm and bringing one’s own style to the mosh pit.â€
“Immigrant Punk†will remain open until Saturday, November 10.
…& yes!!...Soon in a different and far and wonderful and new air… I’ll have a new personal show(I’ve called it’’Claudio Parentela:Disturbing Black Inks’’…yes like my web site…) at‘’ Sechiisland's Micro Gallery’’ thanx to the dearest friend José Roberto Sechi … The exhibition last from the 1st of June to the 30th of June 2007…I’m very glad for this…it’s not the first show in Brasil but I’m very excited and happy really the same…I love Brasil…
Here all the informations:
Sechiisland's Micro Gallery
Av. M29, N.º 2183 - Jd. Sao Joao
Rio Claro SP 13505-410
I’m an illustrator,painter,photographer,mail artist,cartoonist,collagist,journalist…free lance...I’m active since many years in the international underground scene.I’ve collaborated&I collaborate with many,many zines,magazines of contemporary art,literary and of comics in Italy and in the world...& on the paper and on the web...some name amongst the many: Komix,Braintwisting,Lo Sciacallo Elettronico,Inguine,Stripburger,Lavirint,Komikaze, Mystery Island Magazine,Monoclab, MungBeing Magazine,The Lummox Journal,The Cherotic R(e)volutionary,Sick Puppy,Malefact,Gordo,johnmagazine, SHITTY SHEEP-Lamette, alchimiadeldolore, UpScene Magazine ,Chance,Lucid Moon, Tryst ,Carolina Vigna Maru’s Blog, Abusemagazine, hijacked, Synthesis, filosofem.com, Spartandog, Numbmagazine,Que Suerte,Art Life,Pintalo De Verde,ApArte,Evasion,The Benway Institute,Phony Lid Publications,First Class,This Is Magazine,Diesel,Stu Magazine, Becoming Journal , Exposweb, Pockoville,Crane Magazine,Staplegun, Zupi ,4x6-art, Funtime Comics,Untergruntblatte, lartmagazine, Passenger May, Sekushi , Onthecamper,Head Press,Entmoot, Lartmagazine,You&Me,Rorschach,Fagorgo,B.G.A.Comix,Tracce
,Prospektiva,Balkan Spirit,Liberazione.net,Don Juan Online,Emozioni, Digitalabstract,Fatece Largo,Petrolio,Out Zine,Pssst Zine,Bolle Di Cartone,All About Fucking,Gibbering Madness,Rotkop,Anima Mal Nata,ZZZzine,Labour Of Love,Bianco D’Uovo,Bries,Ratriot,Kami Zine,Pus!,Bathtub Gin,Experimental Forest,Stardust Memories,Sunburn,Funtime Comics,Spaghetti,Plop,Topaz&Psichedelica,Joey and The Black Boots,Blind Man’s Rainbow,The White Buffalo Gazzette,Lore,Lunatic,Chamelon,Rigodor,Axolotl,Luca Bonanno Editore,Succo Acido,Pitchfork,Chainsmoker,Surface,Crimson Feet,Skyline,Re:Magazine,Oyster Boy Review,Anthology,Xero Magazine,Slic,Lit Pot Press, warmtoast cafe,Gumball Poetry,Mineshaft,Milk&Wodka,Yahoo Zine,Stardust Memories,CartaIgienica,Faestethic,Field Report,Out Of The Blue,Comfusion Magazine,Careful,Ellin Selae,Multistorey,Disegni Di Sogni,Omnibus,The Sound Projector,Gooch Magazine,Laugh Clown Laugh,Shift, Castlemagazine- WAMtv,Vial,Frior,Debilana,Cool Strip Anthology,Territory,Panik, weblog.bezembinder.nl,Celulit,Pimba,OtomanoProper Gander,Container,Mammamiaquantosangue,Cikuta,Traspiratore,Ga
mbuzine,Empty Life,Erroneo,Kalte Tage,Planeta Underground,Cabezabajo, Poetexpress,Nexus,Criade,Love Eternal Lost Infernal,Algiza,Raven,A.K.O.M.,Mutate & Survive,Angelflesh Press,Skirocore,Sirota Jerica,Zone Optimiste De Bande Dessinèe,Breakfast All Day,The Brown Bottle,Crystal Drum,The Brobdingnan Time,Edgar,Il Foglio Clandestino,Microbe,New York Press,Something Else,O!!Zone,Vitriol,The Flashing Astonisher,Devil Blossoms,Contagio,The Dream Zone,Sinus,Yops Zine,Versus Press, lamoira. –ultrazine-graphola-tribenet-linarte-homme-moderne-further
field-globevisions-artbabyart- UpScene Magazine -zanzibart-braintwisting-arte.go-designradar-sitart-sciacall
oelettronico-artfaq- Caveat Lector-lazaruscorporation-ionone-lospaziobianco-youandiprodu
tstudios-Choler Magazine-graphiland-artpoetryfiction-catalyzerjourna-ambulan
ballpoetry-cafeshops-subtletea-vu gallery-silverfish-zeroboutique-mondocolorado-succoacido-art
sadie-thepedestalmagazine- BecomingJournal- No More Flowers -Space Junkies Magazine-lucidmoonpoetry-ubq-plumrubyreview-komikaze-tattooh
ighway-Burrow Magazine-Swoon Magazine-artistswithoutfrontiers- WAMTV-...El Eros Incesante -thedigitalartist-doubledarepress-theaxis-cloudking-monkeyvi
ew- Y SIN EMBARGO magazine - Degrees of Separation- WeirdArt-drunkenboat-erreur404-bigbridge-monkeyview-opensewe
r-oysterboyreview-labisagra-Entero'ziNe-arti(e)rumori –botulinux-tenaviv-eternarte-fameweb-erbadellastrega-muse-
l- thanalonline-Rorschach-roxybar-genomart-spreadhead-duepunti-
AnythingILike- LIFE DURING WARTIME- surreal collages-
-stategrezzi-agliincrocideiventi-stradanove-Tiscali Arte-hybridstudios-arthal-socialdesignzine-boxart-.eroxe-edi
zioniriccardi-art.e-zine-erroneo-SOGNOdiSEGNI 2002-clubghost-musicheart-linguaggioglobale- dwarfcadaver -actarus-xseven-whipart-girodivite-ideerandage-gordo.it-erba
etortMagazine- subculture-lovepain.com-showcomplex-lobstupidfish-wormwoodch
ronicles-ArtRemains-gallerythe-prettythings- artsingulier--dustydomino-halfempty- americanartists-cartaigienica-escualotis-artactif-webdesigne
equilibriarte-stickyourneckout- artrevolt project- Hugo Strikes Back!-botulinux-literarypotpourri-locomediadub-halfempty-Cho
ler Magazine-Mistery Island Magazine-inkpots-artisticdevil-lamette-studiocleo-lovepain-t
kwick-samsara-artfaq-rorschachonline-arte.go-jamcafe magazine-locomediadub-Animals in Mailart –roxybar-Arts Ablaze Gallery –Filosofem-enfusemagazine-sensuallogic-phirebrush-millenni
umartgallery-dork magazine-galleryculture-Escáner Cultural-digitalconsciousness-Arts Ablaze Gallery –mousikelab-fameweb-socialdesignzine-theshowingplace- warmtoast cafe-gumballpoetry-invisibleinsurrection-hybridstudios-digiz
ndcaviar-succoacido-gallerythe-Vulcanoidi- The Lamp-Araba Fenice -net-art-artetop-guzzardi.it-mentalcontagion-furtherfield-ca
talyzerjournal-Cristian S. Aluas CSA Books-Lummox Press/Journal-lovechess-americanspiritstudios-Mashnote Magazine ...- ANIMAL magazine- Wicked -TheArtSource- Not The Tate, gallery- nonzi-escmagazine-graphiczone-theamericanskin-undergroundxch
ange-Silent Presence Gallery-publiceyesore-locusmag-Unwound-cartaigienica-Buiten Westen -armando adolgiso.it-artdish-the-vu-BATHTUB GIN -JHON magazine-bonobo-galleryculture-linguaggioglobale-progettobab
ting-topolin-prospektiva-placesofart-falsestart-GLUBIBULGA' -arti(e)rumori –cafepress-annotazioni-electronic-art-edizioniriccardi-ilb
a-lilacedius-essendemme-inguine.net- DarkArtists-tangents-cimaisevirtuelle-riflessioni-jackmagazi
ne-Exquisite Corpse -obscurity . webzine -UBQ | Leave Your Fingerprint-Rivista Anarchica Online-bedfordnovel-poemus-Tiscali - Arte-wormsarts-atopiaonline-dorkmag-digizine-pigmag-outsider
ink-ROJO®magazine –doubledarepress-redfoxpress-HOARD MAGAZiNE -NoTxt Magazine -filtered-magazine-Arts Ablaze Gallery –thewissahickon-doubledarepress-hoardmag-thundersandwich- rockheals-CimarronReview-charnwood-arts-jackmagazine-madhatt
ersreview-Whalelane- BoundlessGallery-oysterboyreview-thewissahickon-invisibleins
ne-funtime.comics- ConArt-lovechess-zafusy- P.F.S.-bigbridge- EOTU Ezine - OK ARTE-SpokenWar- Bant Magazine-Hybrid Studios-lunaticchameleon-fearsmag-Mashnote Magazine –fifthstreetreview-locusmag-theaxis-XERO Magazine-litvision-inkpots-ESC! Magazine ––Animal Raw Art- Spent Meat- artbarge-buitenwesten-youandiproductions- ionone-takingitglobal-thepedestalmagazine-Half Empty –iconique-smallspiralnotebook- Transmission Magazine-sidewalkpoetry-vialmagazine-peaceseed-monophobic-th
epoisonedapple-two-zero-Exquisite Corpse –kenagain-HEAD magazine-zerooneart-virtuallyinfamous-BATHTUB GIN - Illustrationmundo,Gambuzine-tenthousandmonkeys-CHANCE MAGAZINE-channel83.gallery-soupskin.- spreadhead- thelemming-prettythings-funhousemagazine-gallery-21-leportil
lon-raggededgepress-Bonobo galerie –hexvalue-netcells-retortmag-crystaldrum-locomedia-cafepre
ss-Tokyo Cow-kufia-Crack! Fumetti dirompenti -Corps Possibles - Identités Possibles-retortmag-artrecess-johnmagazine-Tiscali - Arte-Roxy Web - Arte-biographic.ubq-deliriohouse-indiejournal-Outsider Ink-latchkey-poopsheet-lamoira-tribenet-linarte-homme-modern
on-lospaziobianco-Federico Feroldi Arte Contemporanea-rockheals-cimaisevirtuelle-americanspiritstudi
os-Choler Magazine-artpoetryfiction-otro.it-Outsider Ink-Cimaise Virtuelle -La Tora Web-Mutate&Survive-latchkey.net-Mashnote Magazine –Anteism-vorticeargentina-spreadhead-indiejournal-edificew
…etc…etc…and I could continue again a long time…
During the 1999 I was guest of the BREAK 21 FESTIVAL in Ljubliana(Slovenja)...
...My obscure&crazy artworks are present &shown in many,many art galleries in the endless web...and then again at ’’GIRASOLE’’(Villa Basilica),at ’’TABULA RASA’’(Barcellona),at Vahagnartgallery ,at ‘’GALERIE SLAPHANGER’’(Amsterdam),at ‘’La Casa Di Tolleranza’’(Milan),at’’La Cueva-No Art Gallery’’(Milan),at Spazio Aurora(Milan),at Forte Prenestino(Rome),at Andenken Gallery(USA),at’’ HOEPLI INTERNATIONAL BOOKSTORE EXHIBITION SPACE’’(Milan), at Skorie Industriali(Rome),at theMUKY(Faenza), in Turin with the Association’’Mind The Gap’’,at The ‘’Pina Gallery’’(Koper),al ‘’Diesel Gallery’’(NY),at the ‘’METAVERSO’’(Rome),at ‘’Little Cakes Gallery’’(NY),at the’’Interzona’’(Verona), at ’’Trainside Gallery’’(Haverhill,USA),at ‘’Blah Blah Gallery’’(U.S.A.),at ’’Scaremongering Gallery’’(USA),at ‘’Sage Club’’ (Berlin),at ‘’Panda Club’’ (Pistoia),at Creativa2006(Rignano sull’Arno-FI-Italy)),at ‘’Cultural Association EKIDNA(Carpi-MO-Italy)- at Glowinski’s' Library(Olesnica-PL), ‘’Da Marisa Gallery’’XM 24(Bo-Italy),’’ Blog on Arthur Rimbaud’’ 2 shows at the Castello di Rivara, near Torino ,and at the the San Carpoforo church, place of the Accademia d’Arte di Brera in Milano, at ‘’Tenax’’ (Firenze),at ‘’Teatro Studio’’ di Scandicci (Firenze),at the Libreria Segnalibro of Ferrara(with the show’’Tarocchi Evoluti’’organized by the Associazione Hermatena),at ‘’Ambasciata di Marte (Florence)’’,at ‘’Klyk’’ (Firenze), at ‘’The Wurst Gallery’’(Portland-U.S.A.)- at Red Labels(Toronto-Canada), at Centre for Graphic Arts HogeDRUKgebied(Rotterdam-NL), at Galerija DLUM(Maribor-SI), at ’’Achab’’(Catania) and at all the other sicilian stops of the show’’SognoDiSegni’’,at Artitude Gallery(Paris),at ‘’Zo Cafè’’(Bologna),at the Barcode(San Benedetto del Tronto-Italy),at Circolo Culturale Bertold Brecht(Milano-Italy), NO.HUMAN.NO.CRY(Monza-IT), , at Atkinson Art Gallery ( Southport UK),at’’ DYNAMO’’ (Milano-Italy),at the show’’Arredi Digitali’’in San Benedetto Del Tronto and at the shows that GRAPHOLA has organized and continues to organize...at’’Leave Your Fingerprints’’ organized by the friend Mimmo Manes&UBQ,at ‘’ Fira Magica de Santa Susanna’’(Spain),at’’Sechiisland's Micro Gallery’’(Brasil),at ‘’Museum of Porn in Art’’(Zurich)...and again..and again to other ...I do a lot of mail art and I partecipate to all the mail art projects I know...
...I’ve collaborated and I collaborate with many bands of industrial music,noise,experimental&electronic,harsh&death&
metal gore...punx....
...I’ve illustrated poems and stories&music of Gavin Burrows,Harry Wilkens,Vittorio Baccelli,Claudio Morici, Alberto Rizzi,Cristiano Quadalti,Shannon Colebank,Gary Sneyd,Robert Smith,Michael Kriesel,Mark Sonnenfeld,Nathan Medema,Richard D.Houff,...drawn together with Maurizio Bianchi M.B,Elvi Athan,Marcel Herms,Kapreles...
...for various publishers I’ve realized some booklets of illustrations and comics:’’Il Ratto Bavoso’’,and’’L’Incubo Dimezzato’’(Innovation Studio-B.G.A.Comix-Italy);’’Fashion Robot’’(David Lasky-Seattle-USA),’’L’Agnello Sacrificale e la Salamandra Impiccata al Patè 666’’(Medicina Nucleare-Italy);’’Storie’’(Progetto Siderurgiko-Italy),’’Eudemoni’’and’’Piccola Trilogia Nera’’(Poems of Alberto Rizzi and of Cristiano Quadalti with my illustrations-Criatu Prod.-Italy);’’Jeanne Dark You Got Balls’’ and’’The Frogs’ Ballet’’(Self-produced);’’Black Kisses and Other Stories’’,and ‘’The Book Of Secrets’’(La Cafetiere Editions-Belgium);’’Endless Tongue’’(texts of Richard D.Houff and my illustrations-The Benway Institute-USA),’’Else Beds’’(my illustrations and poems of Nathan Medema-JesusBunny Press-Canada);’’The Savage Soldier’’(Luca Menichini Prod.-Italy);’’Derrumbe’’( Valter Casini Ed.-Italy),’’Matter Ballet’’(my illustrations and poems of Michael Kriesel-BoneWorld Publishing-USA),’’Social Reform’’(poems of Shannon Colebank and my illustrations-Whizzbanger Prod.-USA);’’Le Miopi Della Montagna’’(Underground-Press-Italy)…I’ve drawn 2 tarots for’’Tarocchi Evoluti’’(published by Associazione Hermatena-Italy)...
and on the web I’m present on many pages and in many places again...
For contacts:
Tel.Num&FAX.:+39 0961744087
Mob.:+39 3471256756
www.claudioparentela.net (''Claudio Parentela:Contemporary Art with a Freakish Taste! '')
Lights&Shadows (other web site&gallery)
Disturbing Black Inks (other web site&gallery)
The eXTra finGer (''The eXTra finGer '':my art-blog with a lot of new interviews to the best undeground artists every week)
foggy GRIZZLY (''foggy GRIZZLY'':last&new&new&last my art blog...Interviews...weird art...&more...)
LADy LaMb&Popsy (''LADy LaMb&Popsy''...other art blog...)
ENVY&LUst (''ENVY&LUst ''...&&&again art blog...)
ELvis IN hawaii (''ELvis IN hawaii'' ...always&always art blog...)
The THERMostat&THe gReEN DRAgoon (''The THERMostat&THe gReEN DRAgoon''....always&again art blog...)