Nicoz Balboa's pAINTINGS profile picture

Nicoz Balboa's pAINTINGS

About Me

Nicoz Balboa is a painter, a silver singer , a Suicide Girl (Balboa), an art gallery ruler and a Guicho 's Lover.

and watch my stuff on THREADLESS !!

do you need a design for yours rock-poster, cover-art, a some kind of illustrations or do u want to buy and original painting? so don't be shy and send me a private message.


rock posters:


My Interests


Member Since: 9/4/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: i'll not add you if you have a private-profile
i'll not add you if you are a cheap-illustrator/photoshop-artist. everyone could trace a photos as you do!
i'll not add you if I don't like your art, sorry.but it's like this...
i'll not add you if your profile's pic is a myspace-style-emo SELF-SHOT!
i'll not add you if ALL your pics are PARTY-shot with friends and drinks in your hand...we know you enjoy your night (and you spend all the night-party-time by taking pictures of you havin' fun)
i'll not add you if you made the satan or rock'n'roll sign with your hands in your pics...i can't stand this FAKE rock'n'roll attitude no more.
...and cut your fringe!

read my BLOG .

Main art influences??
When i was a teenager i loved Jean Michel Basquiat's work and comic-artists like Charles Burns , Robert Crumb or Julie Doucet, after came the love for Frida Kahlo and the fascination for all the pop-surrealism scene. First of all Mark Ryden or Camille Rose Garcia. But i dig so much also some crazy french artist like Caroline Sury and Pakito Bolino from le Dernier Cri with whom i had some collaborations. Or Stephan Blanquet and Ludovic Debeurme. and i don't want to forget some very talented friends as Sunny Buick, Tanxxx, Rica, Karotte, Chris Bonobo', Ciou, Anna "rigid" Tufano, Navette and on.
Sounds Like: buy my stuff on :

some lil bonus:

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Edo Chieregato dice di lei...

Edo Chieregato dice di lei:"Nicoz è una canoa di carta.Un tagliaunghie, un pinguino, una pancera, una Moto Guzzi. Nicoz la conosco, è un apolide nel sotterran...
Posted by Nicoz Balboa's pAINTINGS on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:04:00 PST