people always like you gotta rep this,and that here's what's upborn in Culver City in some hospitol but lived in Iglewood so here's the list (in order)CaliforniaInglewood(til I Was one)Hawthrone( Til the middle of thrid grade)Inglewood (With moms friend house in Carson wasn't ready)Carson(Stevenson Village)(middle of thrid grade to about middle of sixth)Dominquez Hillz (Gated Community)(middle of sixth grade through October after high school)Inglewood (Again 5th off Manchester Heart Of Them Families)(two months)Compton (Brazil Off Central Only there For Two Weeks Moms Thought I Was Gonan Get Killed)Inglewood (bacc with my moms friend on fifth she thought somethin' would happen in Compton so we came bacc to here which is on two boarders of South Central)(three months)Gardena (150th Off Western more Crips,and Ese's then you would believe)(about a year and nine months)IllinoisItasca (Whiteville USA)Been Here a lil over five months just cam ehere I'll be bacc in CaliI grew up bein' spoiled moms had a good paying job.Through High school she aint have no job,and I remember her applying for food stamps she tried to keep it a secret from me I guess she was too prideful for how far we feel.Thank God for her friends,and the family members who didn't ignore us (Uncle ricky,Aunt Lori)I Wouldn't have known if I didn't have to make a couple visits to the fruad department because they aint believe my moms income,and thought she was lyin' because she never needed federal aid before.(alot of people I know I never told this,alot of my family don't even know the truth)I guess that's why I aint into material objects.I grew up spoiled, but I went through a patch where I aint even know if we were gonan have a place to live.We were livin in the gated community durin this time so in a way I was lucky.I Got to Eat,And Had The Essentials I Really Appreciate Everything I take Nothing For Granteed Nobody Owes Me Shit.SchoolsHawthrone Christian School (Private: K-2)
Ramona (In Hawthrone) (Public:third grade)
Dolores (Public:4-5)
Carnegie (Public: 6-8 all middle school)
Carson Senior High (Public :9-12 all high school)I only typed this due to this bullshit theory that you tough if you come from a bad area.You Soft If You From A Good Area.I've Been through both.Have friends,and family in both.I'm the proof that theory is bullshit.I aint the toughest guy but I'm far from a punk.Thanks to Everybody Who Took the Time To Read This.Forgive The Typos.
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