About Me
I am an Artistic Theorist - an Agent of Beauty. I yearn to improve and evolve all factions of the arts to their ultimate potential. I believe in Artistic Progression through Sublime Fusion.
I enjoy carving marble; drawing abstract and figurative; playing with pastels and oils; singing; playing the ukulele, banjo, piano, Violin and the Didgeridoo; writing and performing happy-fun-silly songs, writing and developing screenplays; cracking bad puns and worse nonsensical jokes; studying serious video game design; relaxing and kickin' it with good friends, food, drink and conversation.
Basically I like to PLAY = and my playground is the magical realm of artistic creation and improvisational expression. Art, at times should be void of overt and forced subjectivity and objectivity. Abstract art is my preference.
Abstraction is how I prefer to interpret this amazing world.
Recently, I have been in search of the perfect curve, I know I'll never absolutely achieve a perfect curve, but believe me I will try. To me, curves are very exciting, rewarding and expressive. When I draw, I start with a curve and just sit back and watch the form, shape, line and color tell me a wonderful story of Abstract and Emotional Expression in a quite unrestrained yet delicately implied manner. And yes, thank you to the beautiful women out there, for inspiring me so, all y'all's curves delight and inspire me. (like something fierce they do)
I'm tall, beautiful, funny, intelligent, shy, passionate, polite, daring, talented, delightfully suave, quite slightly clumsy and outrageously confusing.
I'm not standard, I'm unique.
I am Artist. . . hear me roar, paint, chip, dance, sing, strum, design, write, create, produce, draw, perform, adapt, arrange ,pontificate and gesticulate.
How am I to cope ? ? ? = I got Manic Disco Flair --- I also now have some amazing long hair. Check out my ego at http://www.myspace.com/locksluscious
Check out my website = http://wpo3.com (Still under construction, will have an online gallery/portfolio up soon)
I currently have an art project, I'm working on. I am trying to draw everyday for a year, it is turning out to be a quite an undertaking as I never know when I start a drawing how long it will take (anywhere from 5 mins to 8 hours). Four months in, I think I'm only about a month behind. No matter. = http://wpo3.com/improvisations