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About Me

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What color is your soul painted?
Your soul is painted the color blue, which embodies the characteristics of peace, patience, understanding, health, tranquility, protection, spiritual awareness, unity, harmony, calmness, coolness, confidence, dependability, loyalty, idealism, tackiness, and wisdom. Blue is the color of the element Water, and is symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. <Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts <a href=http://www.glitter-club.comI am a goofy artist/poet/writer/musician who collects kitchy pink elephants and puppets. I believe in infinite love and tend to jump into life feet first. I have been told that I am shaped like a brick house and a bombshell, but I never really saw what was attractive about either of these things. I can be intellectual and even profound, but I find that I am happiest when I get to be silly. I love the energy of the a bright moon or a windy day. I like to sing next to a fire. I appreciate a good belly laugh and enjoy a nice pun. I have friends in all shapes, sizes and from all over the world. I love loving them all.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Men in kilts. Old men, young men, Japanese men- I just loves me some men in kilts.............

My Blog


Ivory skinned, doe-eyed devastation.A slight tilt of her head elegantly murders timeshe sighsWe again exhale. Yet for all the grace in her delicate, musical fingers,happiness seems to slide through th...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 22:05:00 GMT

The Passage of Love

Shall I explain the course of love?The subject is so oft spoke of.The poets wax on hair and eyes,but attraction wanes from its disguise.While time may render flesh uncouth,it can not steal from us the...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 20:47:00 GMT

Choice Love

BelovedLove like ours must have come before, yet there are moments when I feel ours must be bigger than time itself and somehow able to support the universe.Between us, symbols have no meaning.I canno...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:13:00 GMT

Relay For Life

If you wish to sponsor me in Relay for Life to support the American Cancer Society, here is how. ifeHighPlainsDivision?px=6135328&pg=personal&fr_...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 21:14:00 GMT

Lewis Sings to Elle

Check out my recordings and let me know what you think! My puppet Lewis was singing to his wife Elle when I came home.
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 14:17:00 GMT


She calls me out to herand I stand half-dressed in her wonder.Just her smell is intoxicating.salty, metallic and magicalShe purrs and buildsand keeps usright on the edge.My skin tinglesevery time she ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 20:55:00 GMT

McCain Mistaken for Foreskin at Local Bris

In an odd sequence of events, local great-grandmother Edna Altman continued to look the cover of a back dated Time Magazine instead of her great grandson Jason during his bris. No matter what her two ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:34:00 GMT

Mirabilis Live with Moi! Yes, see me sing.

Secret Oktober on South First at Mary5:00You will also get to see another fine band:The Machine in the GardenCheck out Mirabilis and the Machine in the Garden on my friends list.
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 15:53:00 GMT

Mi Amore Chad

You may wonder why I do not paint you,but there is no museum wall that could hold the beauty of you.There is not paint bright enough, deep enough, or resilient enough for the vision you hold in my hea...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 07:34:00 GMT

I submitted to Threadless

Well, it got declined for copyright reasons as I suspected it might. However, thanks for the support. And since I am not selling it, I can show it off all I want. ENJOY my tribute to John Lennon.
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:13:00 GMT