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Cedric Godin


About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Cedric Godin is a Belgian director living in Paris for almost ten years. Its artistic course starts in Belgium at the age of 18. After three years passed at the Royal Academy of Mons (Belgium), Cedric moved to Paris. A few difficult years give him desire for writing and carrying out his own ideas. Cedric's work is based on the various problems which our societies create and on an idea which is... “More our societies evolve (Manner, technology, communication, power), more we tend to regress humanly”. This idea is not a rejection of what makes evolve the world but to denounce these regressions and to reflect about actions which would make these evolutions more positive for the human nature... You can discover some work on Cedric's Website: cedricgodin.com We hope you will enjoy it and do not hesitate to mail your opinion on these films. Currently, a short film ([email protected]) is in editing process and a film's script, based on the short movie's idea, is in writing...