i like to write things that are and aren't true. i'm probably too nice for my own good. i'm from texas but somehow, i wound up a total anglophile. i love jackson pollock, traditional skinhead culture, the smiths and morrissey and all things vintage, mod and britpop.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
What Type of Skinhead are You?
brought to you by Quizilla****You're a Suedehead. you've grown the hair out a bit, like to dress sharp and listen to a lot of soul music. one might even say you're almost mod. that's not a horrid thing now is it?****
****not at all.
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You are Suedehead -
You have recently sneaked into
someone's room just to read their diary. Were
you disappointed when you weren't in it?
What is your Morrissey Theme Song?
brought to you by Quizilla***********************************suedehead again? seems i just can't escape it! and in this case no, i wasn't disappointed that i wasn't in the diary; i was relieved!
Now, let's see what Smiths song i am...
You're "Unhappy Birthday"! You're a
bastard when someone wrongs you, but you're
funny as hell.
Which Smiths Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla****************************************************
*******Yeah, that's me!
Which of the Seven Samurai are you?
You are KYUZO. You tend to be a loner and are often serious. You know that you are good and your only desire is the be the best. You don't fear anything and people respect you.
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