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New Song UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

Imagine body jerking funk grooves over laiden with interwinding guitar tubing, a sassy jazz inspired beat machine and explosive vocalised stylings all topped off with a healthy serving of good times.

This is the recipe for ZEUGMA.

Zeugma formed in August of 2006 in Brisbane Australia, consisting of the origninal members of The Knobbs, Jamie Henry, Shannon Rogers and Marwan Butrous - a slightly eccentricly inspired group whose reportoire ranged from 3 piece Atonal barbershop to the more conventional alternative rock.

Christian, a mutual friend and jazz trained drummer was added to the mix, and now all that was needed was a vocalist.

Enter Jeremy Trigatti, an accomplished vocalist with raw energy and passion for music with a die hard attitude.

The energy between the fivesome was immediatly apparent and music started to flow with creative ease.

In the words of their bass player, "Man, music is why I get up every morning" (Butrous)

Zeugma plays regularly around Brisbane, and we are always looking for an opportunity to Share our music with people.

Contact Zeugma by Email: zeugma.06@hotmail.com

Check us out at EA Amplify, and Rank us.. Do it.. http://www.eaamplify.com/en-au/bands/2260

My Interests


Member Since: 3/20/2007
Band Members:

Vocals - Jeremy Trigatti,

Guitar - Jamie Henry,

Guitar/Back up - Shannon Rogers,

Bass - Marwan Butrous (Booty),

Drums - Christian

Influences: love, pain, joy, fear, regret, happiness, memories, elation, ectasy, contempt, confusion, restlesness, thrills, loss, understanding...LIFE
Sounds Like: that feeling you get when you spin around in circles really quickly.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

EP update

hey guys, we've just come home from playing the ric's bar gig. for those of you who were there it was great to catch up with you. show went well we thought.EP status is progressing. all main instrumen...
Posted by Zeugma on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:56:00 PST

EP Update

Hey all, we entered into the studio once again over the last weekend, this time at a more reasonable hour of the day. In the lastest session, we recorded bass and some guitar. overall the process is g...
Posted by Zeugma on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 06:07:00 PST

Recording EP

ZEUGMA have just completed recording drums for the upcoming 4 track EP. While the rest of the world was asleep, we packed into the studio with our gear and our ideas. As the first rays of sunlight bre...
Posted by Zeugma on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 03:30:00 PST

New songs in production

Hello all Zeugma fans... just spent the night laying down some fully sic drum tracks, took from 12 midnight till 7 this morning but we have 4 newly recorded tunes on their way.... i predict they will ...
Posted by Zeugma on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 12:15:00 PST