MaDisoN profile picture


@HOw MaNy LiCs DoeS iT TaKe@

About Me

Just Another One For U Too Luv.. I'm One Of The Nice One Who Likes To Have Fun & Go Out With Friends.I Like Real People, That Are Real To Them Self And Others. I Like The , I'm Into Photography,Painting,DancinG,Cars/ Bikes. Mean People Make Me Sick.I Don't Judge Any One Unless They Show Me Their Ass.Thats Is Me, I Really Don't Have Much To Say...My Actions Always Speak Louder.From The NyC Bebe.

My Interests

"ShiNey DisCo BaLL"I Luv Art As u Can See...I'm A Movie Buff.Im a Photographer/ Visual Artist...Don't Mind Having A Drink Or 2 or 3 or 4....Get My Drift...My HerbaL Essence(Canibus). Meeting New People & Learning New Things Every Day (is one High Point In My Life), Besides Geting High.......Thats Pretty Much All I have To Say Right Now (Ill Get Back to Ya)..........Oh Yeah I'm Sort Of A Fantasy Fairy Girl.GOOD Verses Evil........Life Verses DEATH

I'd like to meet:


LuV All TypEs Of MusiC...BjoRk 1 Of My favoRite SingERs,OUtKast, GwEn StefAni, NaZ, Foo FiGhters, JAY-Z, LuDacriS, DiDo, ColdPlay, Beastie Boys, NeptuNes, RooTs,Talibe Kwali, CommoN, Lauryn Hill, Oasis, RadioHeaD,80s Music, Drum~n~baSs, Janis JopLan, HedrIx, Blk SaaBatH, PinK floyD, AeroSmith, Guns & Roses, KiSs, JeRRy GarCiA, Old MicHaeL JacKsoN, DonnA SummErs, GolDie, AbbA, QuEEn, Rage Against Machine, ChemiCal Bros. Cypress Hill, House Of Pain, Marlyn MansoN, NIN, ProDigY, TricKy...... Pac Gorillaz


ConStaNtinE LeGenD Clock Work... Alice Mr. Chuck


"Tv SuCkS sOggY AsS" "Luv This Show"


"I luv the taste of Heart" "I Luv ArT" "Rainbows Bite"


MY MOTHER, GOD......... MosDefBiLLie "The Choice Of Many"Frida"Is My HaiR In My FaCe DiCk" Miss Van "Hey Jay Where's The JuiCe" "WheRe's BiLL" I Was Putting The Pink OuT!!