SatyaGrace profile picture



About Me

I'm into gramatically correct run-on sentences, to which all my friends, current and former professors, and high school teachers can attest.I love conversing with people in a context of what's possible, not just probable given the past.I think the English language, which has stolen/borrowed so much vocabulary from around the world, is too often grossly misused and underappreciated for its conversational and descriptive potential by its supposed speakers. On a related note, I delight in people who are unapologetically playful with language, like Joe!

My Interests

People. People are really interesting. How humans communicate fascinates and baffles me. All in the same language people can experience the most mind-boggling miscommunication, and also the most uncanny on-the-same-pageness...and hot-damn, does English lend itself to on-the-spot word combination/invention. Shakespeare was the king of it. Rock on, old Bard! Rock on!

I'd like to meet:

People who are curious about stuff. I just realized that that first sentence (which occupied this space all by itself for nearly a year) is probably at fault for a lot of unsolicited, sexually explicit messages from married women who are curious about lesbian sex and request my services as an instructor of sorts. That is not what I meant by "curious about stuff!" I was thinking along the lines of Politics, Philosophy, Art, Social and Community Organizing, Travel, Language, Religion, Sexuality, Cullinary Experimentation, Ethics, Sustainable Agriculture, Music, Good Beer, Composting, Tree Houses...etc... you get the picture.

And, of course, people who want to buy hand-stenciled T-shirts. Andy and I make'em now. Woo!


Yes, please.


If you're 5 years old, you have yet to see a full-length movie, you haven't been desensitized to violence because you don't have a television set in the house because you live on a land trust on a mountain in the middle of the woods in New Hampshire, but your second-closest neighbors a mile up the mountain do have a The Land Before Time over at their house. Sharp Tooth will scare the pants off of you and you will compare scary movies to The Land Before Time for the rest of your life because, in comparison, you will never, ever, be so scared!


What's... Television, Precious?


Most recently, Good Omens by Terry Prachett and Neil Gaiman. More to post later. For the past couple years my reading material has mostly included college textbooks...precious little pleasure reading....sob...Although, by the by, if anyone's interested in some truly decent books designed for children, The Agony of Alice and Frindle come highly recommended. Frindle is even the Wayne County "everybody-read-this-book-and-we'll-all-discuss-it" book right now...'s later. I think Wayne County is on to a new book and Jackson and I have worked out a handy way to feed our newfound addiction to Terry Prachett's Discworld Series. He buys a book (or 3) and takes a day or 3 to read one. Then I borrow it and read it in a day or 3 and borrow the next one. It's awesome! I am letting myself read one more before Fall Semester starts because if I am reading Terry Prachett when classes start I won't read my textbooks or do any homework! Damn you, Terry Prachett, you silly genius! Damn you to the layer of hell to which Om inneffectively damned the monk who couldn't hear him in the garden toward the beginning of Small Gods...but not really.