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WHO I AM: 1) SURVIVOR I have been blessed to endure many tumultuities.2) LOVER OF LIFE I am thankful for life, a sound mind, and endless opportunities of growth and prosperity.3) WHAT I ENJOY DOING Spending time with friends and family, especially my lover Alex!, pursuing my life and entrepreneurial goals, and pausing to breath in the middle of busy days are what I do best. Sharing, networking, and learning here on myspace are also things I enjoy to do.4) MY GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS I know that awards, titles, and labels don't define me, but Im still super excited about a few of the accomplishments that I have achieved. Im the first in my generation of my family to earn my college degree-PERIOD! And the second is on the way! Im still pumped that I won my 5th grade spelling bee-lol! Ive won several writing awards, and the one that makes me smile the most is the city-wide award I won for writing about my favorite teacher, Mrs. Ellen Rogers, who was so flattered, humble, and happy by the award that she cried when she read it! The President's Education Award I won for Academic Excellence, signed by President Clinton was pretty exciting. The list goes on, but thats enough for now-lol*WHAT I CARE ABOUT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD: 1) Being the self-fulfilled person that God created me to be. Becoming more like myself each day. Being the best learner, laugher, lover I can be. 2) One day, being a great wife and mother. (Je veux etre avec toi, mon petit copain.) 3) Helping my brother accomplish his own level of success 4) Doing one thing every day to make someone else's day a little easier, to make someone smile, to bless someone in some wayACTS OF KINDNESS/VOLUNTEER WORK I LOVE TO PARTICIPATE IN:1) Fighting povertyI know, everyone says this. But there are so many small things that we each can do to fight this worldwide problem. Promote literacy, encourage entrepreneurship, be a mentor to a child who doesnt have a mother or father in their life, write your senator about ways to help the homeless and the hungry, donate food and clothes (through fundraisers or get in your own closet) to shelters and food banks, spend a few hours a week reading to a child, and the list goes on and on. Where there is poverty, there is poor or no healthcare, high rates of illiteracy and high school dropouts, hunger, homeless, and lots of crime. By fighting each of these ails, you can directly combat poverty in a real, effective manner. I also love to help sick & needy children. My brother died in 1996 of cancer, and it changed my life forever. If I can help a child deal with the confusion and craziness of illness, I feel that Im carrying on his legacy of kindess, that he is still near me. So, I like to help these special children. ..
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