Prince Is In The MuthaFuckin House** profile picture

Prince Is In The MuthaFuckin House**

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

^^@nd ye$ it$ @ll re@l. Wu$$up my n@me is Ru$$ell but y0u c@n c@ll me bling bling cuz @$ y0u c@n $ee @b0ve why they c@ll me th@t, 0r y0u c@n c@ll me Prince @nd I gr@du@t3d fr0m $0uthwe$t High $ch00l 0n Jun3 2nd, 2006, Cl@$$ of 2006 b@by! I @l$0 L0ve C0njunto Mu$ic @$ y0u c@n tell!! I drive @ 2000 Cadillac Deville I LOVE IT! I'm @ Milit@ry C@$eworker @t the @merican Red Cro$$, I love my JOB!! I l0ve $pending time with my b@by nephew D@niel @nd my lil niece De$tiny, I l0ve t@king them $h0pping @nd ju$t being with them. I l0ve p@rtying @nd g0ing 0ut @ll the time, Im never h0me cuz Im @lw@ys in the c@lle. I l0ve g0ing 0ut with my friend$, I l0ve @ll 0f them. I'm @ b@d @ss guy t0 t@lk t0 @nd re@l fun t00. @nd wh0ever w@nt$ t0 be my friend it$ k00l cuz Im every0ne$ friend @nyw@y$. I'm @ very nice guy when y0u get t0 kn0w me, @ lil $hy but ju$t let me c0mf0rt@ble @nd it'll be k00l. I'm @ very l0v@ble per$0n @nd if y0u need t0 t@lk b0ut anything then h0lla. @nd if y@ll w@nn@ kn0w m0re ju$t hit me up.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


I love @ll kind$ of mu$ic but my F@v0rit3 i$ C0njunt0, 3v3n th0ugh p30pl3 w0nt kn0w wh@t th@t i$. My favorite #1 is Lo$ Monarca$. Then Ruben De L@ Cruz, L0$ F@nt@$m@$ Del V@ll3, Ch@n0 C@d3n@, Edg@r V@$quez, Cu@tro Ro$@$, Nick Vill@rr3@l, 3l P@v0 R3@l, My B0y$-C0njunt0 $0li$, L0$ D0$ Gilb3rt0$, LO$ G@rci@ Br0th3r$, Ricky N@r@nj0, Ruben Vel@, Bern@rd0 y $u$ C0mp@dre$, @nd m@ny 0th3r$..

