Fire, Sex, Glassblowing, Snowboarding, Buring Man, Chess, movies, muzak, travel, road trips, biking, Kickboxing, Art, Cooking, Eating, Ocean, Chilling....
People with a clue need apply, be Fit, Fun, Happy, and be able to tell a story without going on forever. Be nice, a good driver, adventurous, healthy and love a good meal.
Tom Petty, Dr. Dre, Dylan, Snoop, Zep, Robert Johnson, Rush, Jazz, Swing, Deep Purple, Old School, Disco, All things Groovy except New country!
Tarantino, Fight Club(dont talk about it), Old Movies, Johny Depp, Ed Norton, Penn, DeNiro, Foreign Flicks, Fear and Loathing, NBK, Uturn, Memento!
Seinfeld, Sheild, Simpsons, and anything else that starts with "S"
Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, Four Agreements, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Mutant Message Down Under, The Giving Tree.
Mom and Dad, My friends and Family, Speed Racer, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Red Fox, Darth Vader, Buddah, and Bruce Lee