asymmetry, big hair, bitchslapping, chickengoats, chilli, christmas elves, cocktails, cowboy hats, dental equipment, diamante, fabulousness, faeries, fine wine, gin & tonic, giorgio locatelli (!), glamour, glitter, goats, green & black, happiness, naughtiness, olives, peonies, pickled beetroot, pinstripe, polkadots, pomegranate, richard dadd, rick stein, steak, sun, tequila, tomato juice, traci lords, trees, trilbys......
god or Traci Lords
Electroclash, Techno Pop, old school punk, Rancid, UK Subs, Babes in Toyland, Le Tigre, Stiff Little fingers, Nina Hagen, The Caesarians, Urban Voodoo Machine, X ray Spex, The Cramps, The Duel, Zombina and the Skeletones, The Horrors, Nancy Sinatra, 50's and 60's swing, Miss Kitten, Shampoo, Samantha Fox, Doris Day, Madeline Peyroux, The Adenoids, Lucifer Star Machine, Ladytron, Dirty Sanchez. The Droyds, Aural Vampire, Nina Simone, Patsy Cline...
Any old musical's or films from 40'd and 50's.. Horror movies not that wishy washy woo woo vampire or ghosty thing but anything thats really realistically scary! ...... ie Saw 1 2 3, Hostel but more so Wolf Creek.
Brideshead Revisited, Buffy, Will and Grace, Top Gear......
Chuck Palanuik, Evelyn waugh, Robert Silverberg, Amy Tan, Anthony Bourdain, Jeffrey Steingarten..
Traci Lords, Janet Gardner (Vixen), Theo Kogan (Lunachicks), Doris Day, Maggie /Jake Gyllenhaal (either or together nay mind), Jeffrey Steingarten, Judi Dench, Anthony Andrews, the tooth fairy ;)