S t. Äma
I am the founding member of my mostly solo acoustic-gothic-blues project B.D.A.H.D.
Along with B.D.A.H.D. my other main musical focus at the moment is the Satanic rock band Not Of God .
I'm also the front man for the currently defunct group The Dropouts .
I have one other minor noise project called Popkill, and The David Koresh All-Stars.
Because noise music seems to be the hip thing to do these days, and it requires little to no talent to carry out, why not, you know? I assure you, the name is the only redeeming quality.
I am the creator/artist/â€writer†of Cocoa The Clown .
You can check out my main blog here , which features The Cocoa The Clown Show, posted every Saturday morning with a bunch of other comics, and nifty surprises. Like a show Television show.... 'cept its not... At all.I also write an advice column for a site called Mysanthropy Online , which also hosts The Dropouts second full length album, Pedophile Park for FREE DOWNLOAD .I have a link page on there too, with links to all of the other nifty little things I'm currently up to. You can find that link here .
One day I plan to sleep, and a bullet to the head will be my sleeping pill.
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Not Of God
The Dropouts
Popkill, And The David Koresh All-Stars
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