MUSICAAAAAAAAAA!!! ...e Chitarre ovviamente!!! :D
Dite che é scontato?!?! Eheheheheh... ;b
Poi oltre alla musica,che per i musicisti é ben altro che un interesse (!!! :b), seguo fin da bambino tutto ciò che ruota al mondo dei VIDEO-GAMES... In particolare genere "picchiaduro" (sono un fan accanito dell'SNK,ma mi piacciono molto anche i giochi della CAPCOM,che ha creato dei titoli storici,vedi la saga di "STREET FIGHTER"...) e tutti quelli basati su una storia,con una trama come se fossero una sorta di Film,quindi i vari "Resident Evil","Silent Hill","Alone in the Dark","Tomb Raider" e via dicendo ...
Mi piacciono moltissimo anche le moto,in particolare (Anzi,quasi esclusivamente!!!) quelle sportive ...
Un'altra passione (Più che altro una vera e propria fissa!!! o_0) che mi é stata trasmessa solo recentemente da alcuni miei amici é quella per l'ormai famosissimo gioco di carte chiaramente di genere "Fantasy" chiamato "MAGIC" ... Non aggiungo altro ... Se ti piace,ti brucia il cervello!!! Ahahahahahahahah!!! ;b
MUSIIIIIC!!!...and Guitars,of course! :D Does It go without sayng? Eheheheh... ;b
Aside from Music (it means something very special and totally different compared with any kind of interest for musicians!),since I was a little child I always been attracted by the VideoGames World,especially Fighting VideoGames (I'm a SNK huge fan,but I also like very much CAPCOM titles,most of them are in the Videogames history,like "STREET FIGHTER" saga for example...) and those who have an interesting story,a plot line like in the movies,so all the "Resident Evil" titles,the same with "Tomb raider","Silent Hill","Alone in the dark" and so on...
I also like very much motorcycles,especially (rather,almost exclusively!!!) the sporting ones!
Another great passion that I have is about "MAGIC the Gathering",by now a really famous Fantasy card game...Some friends o' mine always used to talk about this game and I was bored of listening to that discussions,they sounded like another planet discussions to me! So I tried to know something about it,then I tried to play and...What I have to say? Only one thing...Watch out!If you like it,it will blow your mind away,for sure!!! o_O Ahahahahahahahah!!! ;b
***** SUPERBIKE!!! *****
I'd like to meet:
Tutte quelle persone a cui farebbepiacere condividere anche solo"qualcosina" con me ... :)
Questo per quanto riguarda leamicizie ...
Per quanto riguarda il lavoroinvece,bhè... MUSICISTI ovviamente!!!E tutte quelle persone interessatealla mia musica e al contributo chepotrei offrire in qualità diMusicista,Compositore,Arrangiatore,Insegnante ... Quindi Artisti ingenere,Produttori,Registi,Allievi dichitarra ecc. ecc. ...
People who have at least somethinglittle to share with me ... :)
Talking about friendship...
About working range... MUSICIANS ofcourse!!!And people who areinteristed in my music adn all I haveto offer as amusician,composer,arranger andteacher...So:Producers,Directors,wanna be musicstudent and so on...
Io e il mio "collega chitarraio"Raffaele,della Tribute-Band ANGRA,ci"danniamo" appresso alla sezione deiSoli di "Winds of Destination",songtratta da "TEMPLE OFSHADAOWS",Angra,ovviamente... ;)
Me and my "Guitar mate" Raffaele(from "Heroes of Sand",Italian ANGRATribute-Band) playing "Winds ofDestination" (From the album "Templeof Shadows",ANGRA of course! ;b)solos section! :)
Idem per la ben più famosa "Nothingto say",sempre sezione dei soli,macazzeggiando un po' di più,eimprecando contro la base che steccala parte diFlauto...Uahuahuahuahuahuah!!!!! o_0
Here we are once again!This time wehave to deal with "Nothing to Say"(more popular ANGRA song,from thealbum "Holy Land") -sols section-joking and laughting at a terriblewrong flute note on thetrack...AHAHHAHAHAHA!!! o_O
HEAVY METAL (Power,Progressive,Neoclassic,Thrash,Death...) & HARD ROCK : *********************** ANGRA, ELEGY, STRATOVARIUS, SYMPHONY X, DREAM THEATER, SHADOW GALLERY, SIEGES EVEN, DEEP PURPLE, QUEEN, TOTO, MR.BIG, EXTREME, EUROPE, BRAZEN ABBOTT, SKID ROW, IRON MAIDEN, MEGADETH, METALLICA, ANNIHILATOR, TESTAMENT, PANTERA, SEPULTURA, DEATH, CYNIC, CARCASS, NEVERMORE, CHILDREN OF BODOM, INFLAMES , OPETH, ANATHEMA, PARADISE LOST, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, AUDIOSLAVE, SOUNDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS, TYPE O' NEGATIVE ... **************************************************FUSION, JAZZ/ROCK : *************************Greg Howe &; Richie Kotzen, Brett Garsed &; T.J.Helmerich, Allan Holdsworth, Shawn Lane,Guthrie Govan, JOHANSSON Brothers, TRIBAL TECH, UZEB, The Electric BAND di Chick Corea, Dave Weckl BAND, Pat Metheny GROUP, Michel Camilo BAND ... ************************************************** CHITARRISTI/ARTISTI SOLISTI : ( A parte quelli già citati sopra... Assolutamente NON in ordine d'importanza!!! ) ************************* Jimi Hendrix,Jeff Beck,Yngwie J.Malmsteen, Kiko Loureiro, Rafael Bittencourt, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Michael Romeo, John Petrucci, Wolfgang Zenk, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Eric Johnson, Michael Lee Firkins, Andy Timmons, Steve Lukather, Kee Marcello, John Norum, Nuno Bettencourt, Paul Gilbert, Vinnie Moore, Joey Tafolla, Tony Mc Alpine, Darren Housholder, Nikkolò Kotzev,Diamond Darrell, Jeff Waters, Ron Thal,Guthrie Govan, Tommy Emmanuel, Tuck Andress, Victor Wooten, Derek Sherinian, Jordan Rudess... **************************************************ALTRO : Steve Wonder,Sting,Police,Eagles,Jamiroquai,Earth Wind &; Fire,Anouk,Elisa,Simply Red,Spandau Ballet...
"Set the World on Fire" Videoclip,just released from "SYMPHONY X",absolutely one of the best Kickin' Ass Band ever!!! O_O
La Nona Porta,Il Miglio Verde,Il Sesto Senso,The Others,Silent Hill,I Soliti Sospetti,The Game,Seven,Highlander,Il Gladiatore,Il Signore degli Anelli(Tutta la trilogia),Matrix(Tutta la trilogia ma in particolare il primo episodio),Transformers,L'Uomo Bicentenario,A.I.:Intelligenza Artificiale,Fight Club,Pulp Fiction,Trainspotting...
Super-Heroes movies... Praticamente tutti!!!
Come commedie invece adoro tutti i film di Adam Sandler (in particolare "Terapia d'urto" -col grande Jack Nicholson!!!- ,"Mr.Deeds" e "Water Boy"),di Ben Stiller ("...e alla fine arriva Polly","Ti presento i miei" e "Mi presenti i tuoi?"! ;b) e di Jim Carrey ("Scemo e +Scemo","Bugiardo Bugiardo","Una settimana da Dio"...).
The Ninth Gate,The Green Mile,The sixth sense,The Others,Silent Hill,The Usual Suspects,The Game,Seven,Highlander,Gladiator,Lord of the Rings (The Trilogy),The Matrix (The Trilogy,but especially the first chapter),Transformers,Bicentennial Man,Artificial Intelligence: A.I.,Fight Club,Pulp Fiction,Trainspotting...
Super-Heroes movies...Whichever!!!
As "Comedy movies",all the Adam Sandler movies (especially "Hanger Management" -with the great Jack Nicholson!!!-,"Mr.Deeds" and "Water Boy"),Ben Stiller movies ("Along Came Polly","Meet the parents" and "Meet the Fockers"! ;b) and Jim Carrey Movies ("Dumb & Dumber","Liar Liar","Bruce Almighty"...).
In linea di massima non guardo spesso la TV,ma a volte mi capita di starci incollato... :^Z E quindi...:
Come programmi preferisco quelli sarcastici e "veritieri",per così dire...Per citarne qualcuno,"Le Iene","Striscia la Notizia" e poi tutto della GIALAPPA's Band,mi fanno piegare in due!!!
Poi mi piacciono molto i documetari,soprattutto esoterici,sul paranormale e sui misteri,scientifico/naturalistici e storici ...
Aaaah,dimenticavo! Tutte le serie di "X-Files" e soprattutto..."I SIMPSON" e "SOUTH PARK",due cartoni a dir poco geniali!!! Anche con "I Griffin" posso dire di sbellicarmi abbastanza... ;b
Infine,ovviamente,tutti i cartoni animati della mia infanzia ...
I really don't watch the TV so often,but -I have to say- sometimes I use to spend some hours on it... :^Z And so...:
As Tv Shows,I definitely prefer those who are sarcastic and those who are telling the truth in front of the audience,finding out some very bad frauds and so on ... Here in Italy we have "Le Iene" and "Striscia la Notizia",that are very good ones..."Gialappa's band",they are three guys that use to comment joking and laughting some crazy things that happen in our TV channels... ;b
I also like very much documentary films,those about esoteric/paranormal/mistery stuff,scientific/naturalistic and historical ones too.
Aaaah,I almost forgot! All the "X-Files" series and,last but not least..."THE SIMPSON" and "SOUTHPARK",two very sharp cartoons,saying not so much! Also "Family Guy" is great,I can surely state that it makes me laught as much as I need to!!! Uahuahuahuahuahuah!!! ;b
In the end,of course,all my childhood's cartoons...
Il miglio Verde (Stephen King),Il ritratto di Dorian Grey (Oscar Wilde),tutti i racconti di Edgar Allan Poe ...
The Green Mile (Stephen King),The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde),all the Edgar Allan Poe's tales ...
Di "eroi musicali" ce ne sono elencati a bizzeffe...Eroi sportivi posso citare senza ombra di dubbio Valentino Rossi... Per il resto ognuno di noi può essere un "eroe",al momento opportuno...
You can find many "Musical Heroes" listed above...About the Sport,I surelly mention Valentino Rossi...Then I could say: after all,everyone could be a "hero" when necessary...