Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sing Along
Photography, Traveling cartooning , films, music, Saxophone, night life, beach, y talented Mujeres!..
Highly motivated individuals. Anyone with a good joke. Famous poeple: Natalie Portman, Morgan Freeman, Thalia. Not so famous: the hot bank teller from Wells Fargo, my grandparents, you, and my children.
Lauren Hill, CEU, Howlin' Wolf, John Coltrane, Julieta Venegas, John Legend, Billie Holiday, Chavela Vargas, The Roots... ..
Fifth Element, The Godfather I, II, and III, Forrest Gump, Babel, The Science of Sleep.....BUSTER KEATON ROCKS!
Lluvia de Oro. The Giver. A child called it. House on Mango Street. The Pearl...
My Mother is my superhero...her secret identity is Madrushka!!! ..SALVADOR DALI FRIDA