sAritA profile picture


i'M thE uNcOnveNtionAl tYpe oF guRl ! (,)

About Me

aLot oF piPol woUld sAy thAt tHe bEst wAy To dEsCriBe mE iS "PRINCESS",wElL... I cAn't dENy tHe fAct tHaT oN mOsT oCcaSioNs I dO aCt As iF I wAs oNe. I'm NoT hArd to gEt aLoNg wiTh, aLthOuGh I Do hAvE a fEw bAd SiDes. I aM uSuAlLy mIstAkEn tO bE a sNob bUt tHe tRuTh iS mAtARay lAng tLga aKo, eSpEciAlLy To pEopLe wHo coMe oN fResh aNd pA- cloSe. I'm A veRy opEn-miNded pErsOn, I aM tAlkAtivE aNd I cAn bE reAlLy hoNest...bRutaLly hoNest pA nGa eh. I wOuLd liKe to sAy thAt I aM mAtUrEd foR mY AgE, coMes wiTh my sOoo coLoRfuL liFe. I aM veRy opiNionAted, I hAve somEthiNg to sAy aBouT evERytHiNg.I'm nOt veRy eMotioNal, I uSuaLly kEep to mysElf.ThEre aRe a fEw thiNgs thAt kEep mE sAne, my fRieNds, my dOg sHeEne, sMokiNg aNd chOcoLatEs! PeRsoN I loVe tHe moSt is My mUm, sHe is My bEstfRieNd aNd I dOn't tHiNk thAt I wOulD suRviVe eAch dAy wiThoUt hEr, sHe kEeps Me oN my fEet! ShOppiNg is liKe bReatHiNg to Me, tHe mAll is mY HeAveN aNd sAlEs maKe my dAy (soRry kuRipoT aKo eH)! SelF-coNfeSsed kiKay aKo, I mAy noT be vAin to tHe poiNt thAt I bRush My hAir eVeRy 5 miNs, bUt I mAke iT a pOiNt to lOoK gOod. My dAd sAyS I hAve eNouGh sHoes And bAgs to coMpeTe wiTh ImEldA MARcos, hehEhe...qUitE tRue! :P I uSed tO be a VolUnteeR sA MaNilA zOo tOo...I cAn't thiNk of aNythiNg eLse to sAy, So iF tHis iSn't eNouGh jUst ReAd tHe gOd daMn teStiMoniAls! ciAo!!!

My Interests

my BoyfRienD, sOcceR, rUgbY (the sport ha?!), cuRrenT eVents, pOlitiCs, shOes, bAgs, cLothEs, wAteR sPorTs, tHe BeAch (hOpefUllY gEt a tAn), tAttOeS, aNimAls, & tHe ColoR pUrPle!


RnB & AltErNatiVe (dePendS On mY mOod)


AuDrey HepBurN is My fAve aCtreSs I loVe All hEr mOviEs liKe FuNny FaCe, bReaKfAst at TiffAny's, SaBriNa FaiR bUt moSt of All ROMAN HOLIDAY! I alSo likE The moVie "MuSic fRom AnotHer RoOm" .


sEx aNd tHe CiTy, ChArmEd, AlLy McBeAl, THe pRacTice, CSI, wiLL aNd gRacE aNd a lOt moRe.


i dOn't bElieVe in heRoes!

My Blog


* Divorce : Future tense of marriage. * Cigarette : A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end & a fool on the other. * Lecture : An art of transferring information from the note...
Posted by sAritA on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST