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Chris Tyner, Director of Education, Evansville Civic Theatre

About Me

Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox !My name is Christopher P. Tyner, and I am the Director of Education and Box Office Manager at The Evansville Civic Theatre. I have also been the Drama Director at North High School for the past 4 years and Choreographer for the Warrick County Summer Musical for the past 10 years.In addition to the above, I have been the director of the Henderson Community Musical for two of their productions at the Henderson Fine Arts Center, performed professionally for the Stardust and Musicana Dinner Theaters, and overall have worked in the capacities of Director, Producer, Choreographer, Technical Director, Scenic Design, Lighting Design, and Performer in over 60 productions since 1990.I am married to my wife of 14 years, Kelly, and we have 2 cats named after people/characters associated with Bram Stoker's Dracula: Bela and Mina.I am an enormous comic book geek, and enjoy drawing and coloring comic book style art, an activity that has recently paid off on eBay in the form of commissioned artwork.

If you want more information on any of the upcoming Civic Theatre shows - click the link below!


Upcoming Projects:

The Drawer Boy - Civic Theatre - February

Smell of the Kill - Civic Theatre - April

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown - Civic Theatre - May

Get Your Own Custom Contact Table

My Interests

All Things Theatrical: Vocal Performance, Acting, Dance, Scenic Design and Construction, Theatrical Lighting, Directing, Choreography, etc. I am a huge movie buff and comic book geek. In my spare time, which I have so much of, I enjoy drawing, painting, martial arts, and golf.

I'd like to meet:

M Night Shyamalan, Robert Rodregez, Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Hugh Jackman, Kevin Spacey, Frank Miller, Brian Michael Bendis, Bob Fosse (unfortunately, that won't happen), Freddie Mercury (neither will that), Ben Vereen (wait... I HAVE met him!), Harry Connick Jr, Lisa Loeb, Rob Zombie (eclectic, huh?), Charles Manson, the guys from Ghost Hunters, and Tim Burton.

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Queen, Michael Buble, Harry Connick Jr, Disturbed, Korn, Metallica, Evanesence, Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, Tori Amos, Sarah McLaughlin, Seal, Sting, The Police, Depeche Mode, George Michael, Marilyn Manson, Drowning Pool, Lisa Loeb, Paula Cole, K.D. Lang, U2, Peter Gabriel, Linda Eder.

Theatrical Experience

Little Shop of Horrors

-“Skip Snip”



Peter Pan

-“John Darling”

Love Rides the Rails



-“P.T. Barnum"

Music Man

-“Harold Hill"

Rehearsal for Death

-Stage Manager


-“Lead Player"

Hello Dolly

-“Cornelius Hackl"

Wizard of Oz

- Set Crew

Good Woman of Szechuan

- Set Crew

Singin’ in the Rain

- Lighting


- Asst to Directors

Best of Broadway

- Performer

West of Broadway

- Performer

A nd the World Goes ‘Round

- Performer

Babes in Toyland

- Director/Set Designer

The Goodbye Girl

- “Billy”

Forever Plaid

- “Frankie”

Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

- Scenic Designer


- Scenic Designer

Hello Dolly

- Choreographer

42 nd Street

- Scenic Designer


- Choreographer


- Performer


- Director/Choreographer

A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline

- "Jordanairre"

Oklahoma !

- Choreographer

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown

- Choreographer/Scenic Des.


- Writer/Director/Producer

Pirates of Penzance

- Choreographer

The Matchmaker

- Scenic Designer

How To Succeed…


Oklahoma !

– “Will”

Into The Woods

– Choreographer

George M

– Choreographer/Scenic Designer

Music Man

– Choreographer

Any Number Can Die

– Technical Director


– Scenic Consultant

Hello Dolly!

– Director


– Choreographer


– Producer/Director/Tech Director

Pajama Game

– Director/Tech Director


– Choreographer/Scenic Designer

The Crucible

– Producer/Director/Tech Director

Into the Woods

- Scenic Consultant

The Nutcracker

– “Grandfather”

Pirates of Penzance

– Director/Tech Director

Anything Goes

– Director/Scenic Designer

Les Miserables

– Tech Director/Choreograpger

Dearly Departed

– Producer/Director

Children of Eden

- Scenic Consultant

Schoolhouse Rock

– Stage Manager


– Producer/Director


– Choreographer/Scenic Designer


– Producer/Director

Acts of God

– Director

Singin' in the Rain

– Director/Choreographer


– Director/Choreographer

The Last 5 Years

– "Jamie"

Spring Awakening

– Director/"Masked Man"

Smokey Joe's Cafe

– Director/Choreographer


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Even though it's been off the air for a while, the X-Files is still one of my all time favorites. Millennium and Highlander the Series are also some guilty pleasures. Currently, I am addicted to Heroes, Rescue Me, The Riches and Nip/Tuck. I'm also one of the few straight males who really enjoyed Gilmore Girls. At least the first 6 seasons anyway. This last one kind of stunk.

My Blog

Morning Gag and Dinner with the Scheus

Saturday, January 19th 2008 Slept in a bit late this morning, waking up about 10 in the AM. Tylenol PM seems to really work well for me. Wandered downstairs and puttered around online for a bit and t...
Posted by Tyner on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:09:00 PST

Poetry Jam and Future Me

Friday, January 18th 2008 I woke up a little earlier than normal today. Went online and checked emails and read yesterday's comics. Came back downstairs just after Kelly left for work and cruised onl...
Posted by Tyner on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:26:00 PST

Great Collaborations

Thursday, January 17th 2008 Woke up, showered and surfed the internet before heading into work. Lynn and I chatted for a bit in the morning. It's so great to be able to work with someone like Lynn. S...
Posted by Tyner on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:22:00 PST

Clandestine Meetings

Wednesday, January 16th 2008 PLEASE NOTE: This blog is heavily edited from it's original version. There was too much revealing information for me to post most of it. So if it seems a bit vague or dis...
Posted by Tyner on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 08:59:00 PST

AUDITION NOTICE! "Addict" at the Undergound at the Annex

Underground at the Annex kicks off with a production featuring High School and College Students. The first production that will be presented is called Addict. This is a great opportunity to work with ...
Posted by Tyner on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:01:00 PST

Romeo and Juliet Revelations and New Headaches

Tuesday, January 15th 2008 Got up and went through the morning rituals. Stopped off for a chicken biscuit from Arby's on the way to work. I made a bee-line to Lynn's office to sing the praises of the...
Posted by Tyner on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:09:00 PST

Childrens Choir and Romeo and Juliet

Monday, January 14th 2008 After a great night's sleep, I woke up, showered, checked emails, and headed into work. Lynn and I discussed the scripts I had read over the weekend and I got down to work f...
Posted by Tyner on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:50:00 PST

DB interview Pt. 2 and the Terminator

Sunday, January 13th 2008 Woke up about 9:30, hit MySpace and read Kevin Smith's latest blog on Zack and Miri, and started work on the Kozloski interview: Chris Tyner: How did you first get interes...
Posted by Tyner on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:16:00 PST

DB Interview Pt. 1 and a Date with The Snow Queen

Saturday, January 12th, 2008 Got up around nine-ish and went downstairs to watch some Always Sunny in Philadelphia bloopers and then settled in on transcribing the interviews with the Drawer Boy guys...
Posted by Tyner on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:00:00 PST

Things are Heating Up at the Annex

Friday, January 11th, 2008 I took two Tylenol PM last night and although it took about two hours to get to sleep, I finally had a decent night's rest. Woke up a little late this morning and had to ru...
Posted by Tyner on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:33:00 PST