Nocturna Perambulant In Tenebris is an Italian '80 Death Metal band born in the summer of 2001 from his founders Borgo (Alessandro Borghetti) and Zanna (Luca Zanoli).
* 2001-2003
In its early days Nocturna PIT was a melodic black metal band with keyboards on Dimmu Borgir style. Many ex-members of this formation are still in close to the band, I mean: Zanna (Luca Zanoli), Boc (Cristian Bocchi), Lufro (Enrico Lufrano), Pago (Stefano Paganelli), Alle the singer (Alessandro Toni).
* 2004-2007
In this period Nocturna decided to leave keyboards to have a merciless sound and move their music genre to '80 Death Metal. So the new and definitive singer, QG (Simonpietro Zanoli), took place with a perfect scream and growl voice, exactly what we were searching. A new bassist come into the band too: Paga (Andrea Pagani).
With this formation Nocturna had keep for a long time, many live concerts and our first studio demo-tape.
1 Studio Demo: "Nocturna Perambulant In Tenebris". CD sold more than 500 copies. And was fully internet downloaded over 1700 times.
* 2008-Now
In the middle of 2007 Paga left the band to dedicate himself in the opening of his Pub. Now, with Gio (Giovanni Morsiani) at bass, we are working at our first full length album. We plan to enter recording studio this summer.
Live concerts: 25 in Modena, Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Ravenna, Padova, Vicenza (All in Italy) with important bands like: Opera IX, Dark Lunacy and Dominance. We have also played in place like "Transilvania" in Reggio Emilia, "Screem Bloody Gore" in Bologna and "Tempo Rock" (Reggio Emilia).
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