Carlyflower. profile picture


People laugh at my stupidity

About Me

I'm Carly, & If I could i'd live on apple juice, sushi, and candy. I'm self concious, and i have a reason to be. I don't really own any dresses or nice stuff. I'm allergic to EVERYTHING, and I have asthma. I'm basically always sick/feeling sick cause of it. I HATE CLOWNS AND DUMMIES AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THEM. I'm very short, and small. But its really an optical illusion, I'm actually 6'0. I love the beach , and the zoo, someone go to either of those places with me. I dislike it when people dislike me, before they get to know me. Alot of people intimidate me. I'm shy, and awkward. It makes me laugh when younger girls hit on older guys that they don't even know :). Its hard for me to trust people, but i'm a very trustworthy person. I try to be a really nice person. Fighting with friends is horrible. My house has SO many ladybugs in it, its unbelieveable. I see more then 3 a day, in all differant places. I have no idea why they're in my house. If anyone wants to come take them, please do. . IM GONNA BE SINGLE FOR LIFE. I love it when people smile at me, and they have the cutest smile you can't help but giggle and smile back. I BLUSH TOO MUCH. I wanna be like a normal teenager, no allergies, no asthma, perfect health. I'm not very interesting, bite me

My Interests


The Rocket Summer, KIROS,Swingset Champion, The Februarys, mostly everything but most country and bands that have horrible singers.


Blow, Where the heart is, How to deal, Saved, Bruce Almighty ,Liar Liar, and every scary movie that will actually scare me. (not alot do, 'cept when clowns are in them)


Hiro Nakamura, Mohinder Suresh,Isaac Mendez, Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Nathan Petrelli, Micah Sanders, Niki Sanders, and Matt Parkman