Singing, Softball, Movies, Pool, hiking, camping, traveling, scrapbooking, working with children
Ghandi, Dahli Lama, My great Grandfather
CLASSIC ROCK ALL THE WAY, Little Feat, Oldies, Prince, Evanescence, Black Eyed Peas, Joss Stone, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Shakira, Anything Jazz & Blues ( I was raised on this!!!), ALL 80's music, musicals, ANYTHING I CAN SHAKE MY ASS TOO!!!
DRAMA's~ Greys Anatomy, Heroes, ER, ALL Law and Orders, Medium, Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, Girlfriends, Cold Case, Without A TraceCOMEDY~ Friends, Will and Grace, That 70's Show, Malcolm In the MiddleAt the moment, I do not have cable so I missing alot of other shows. I catch them when I can. DAMN, I MISS CABLE :(
My Parents