Ann profile picture


If flies are attracted to you, you may not be a flower

About Me

    Selfdeclared SINGLE princess, living in south west of Copenhagen, has now thrown her royal SINGLE self into MySpace....
    MySpace is a candy store for a music nerd (and SINGLE) like me, so if you have or create music, I JUST got to hear, then hit me! (in a good way, that is!)
    (Did I mention, that I'm SINGLE??!)
    Read my danish blog here:

My Interests

Music, blogging, movies, books... (Is Tequila an interest??)

    Another one of my blogs: Sydhavnsprinsessens Svovlerier


I'd like to meet:

    David Bowie (Grrr Miaw!)
    Mikael Simpson (Danish musician and a genius one! Unfortunately not single anymore...grrrr!)
    Roger Waters ( I have naughty dreams about that man!)



Oh dear...a whole lot! David Bowie, Pink Floyd og de herrer Waters & Gilmour hver for sig, Mikael Simpson, Rufus Wainwright, Prince, Sigur Ros, Sting, The Police, Coldplay, Goldfrapp, Massive Attack, Tina Dickow, Depeche Mode, Teitur, Thomas Dybdahl...aaaaaaaarh, I could go on and on and...!

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"A beautiful mind", "A clockwork Orange", "As good as it gets", "Leaving Las Vegas", "Ondskab", "Sin City" among many others...


Der er ikke meget i TV, der kan holde mig fanget i længere tid af gangen, "10 hobbyminutter med Jørgen Clevin" måske... Det skulle da lige være noget britisk comedy a'la "Bottom", "Monty Python" og "The young ones"


Bret Easton Ellis "American psycho", John Irving "Verden ifølge Garp",


My Blog

Råb "RØV", hvis I også er trætte af TDC!

TDC, kom nærmere& så jeg kan give jer det STØRSTE LOS I RØVEN!!Hold kæft sådan en flok Amatør-aber, skal man sgu lede længe efter!For en uges tid siden hoppede jeg ind på TDC's hjemmeside, fandt deres...
Posted by Ann on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 08:46:00 PST

MEDDELELSE til føreren... BÆ-farvet Skoda Felicia MIDT imellem indre og ydre spor på Nørre Voldgade kl. 08:05 i trafikken imorges: HVIS du nu kunne få din skodbil til at snegle sig frem med VÆSENTLIGT mere end 25 km i ti...
Posted by Ann on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:22:00 PST

ALTSÅÅÅ, hvad SKER der...

...i mit liv?! Ja, nu smider jeg jo en bombe af de HELT store. I må hellere sætte jer ned, inden I læser videre, for nu kommer der en chok-afsløring af karat: Jeg er single på 4. år! Man undrer sig jo...
Posted by Ann on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:36:00 PST

Too sexy for my shower!

Why are the "WOO-WOO"-thing for men only?
Posted by Ann on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 04:27:00 PST


THANKS a lot for THAT experience!   &the experience of being a celebrity for a few seconds!     The scene played out like this:     The time was past SICK in the morning....
Posted by Ann on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:48:00 PST

Top 5: Things, that bothers me right now!

1.  People, who says "Some day, I will tell you how/who/what/where/when/why blahblahblah...!" WHAT KIND OF FREAKING TEASER IS THAT??! Why not just tell it RIGHT here, RIGHT now? Why wait?? It's n...
Posted by Ann on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:40:00 PST

Who has the Brain???

Some time ago I had a conversation, that sounded something like this in MY ears:   Me to her: "Whazzuuuup? Wanna go to the movies next week?"   Her to me: "Eeeehhhh& Aaaahhh&I just eeehm&...
Posted by Ann on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:29:00 PST

Backseat action!!

My new four wheeled lover&With a whole lot of advantages!   He absoBLOODYlutely gets turned on at my command! He takes me out! He honks at me! He lets me decide! He waits patiently for me ever...
Posted by Ann on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 07:58:00 PST

Moderately weird day!!

DAMN, a strange day I've had today!   It even started before the alarm clock began to howl like a siren this morning! I woke up eighty times during the night for unknown reasons, but I accompli...
Posted by Ann on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:25:00 PST

Top 5: Nauseous "good girl"-things, I have done today!

1.  I've said "It could've happened to anyone!" followed by a (maybe little too) big put-on smile and a indulgent pat on the shoulder, when Miss Fat Cow 2007 tripped over a greeting card stand o...
Posted by Ann on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 04:24:00 PST