HANDIEDAN's new textiles and artwork 'Pin Up'
at the Summer exhibition of Galery Majke Husstege
Exhibition from 24 June - 26 August 2007.
Open; wed-fri 11.00-17.30 / sa 11.00-17.00 / sun 13.00-17.00
hello, hello!
o-so welcome on handiedan’s space.
my name is hanneke and me like;
drawing, grapefruits, photographic design, shanghai, new zealand,
‘quantum therapy’: sitting under a tree in the sunshine and waiting
till the appel bounces on my head, digital revolution, black gell
pens, old paper and books, my little cousin puk when she smiles to
the world when after her afternoon nap, listen to peoples stories,
eating with friends, black and white negatives, making pictures
with a big, old and very very noicy polaroid camera in a hightech
street in the city centre of shanghai; i love the peoples' faces
right then, stone structure, women, stamps, tuna, salmon, red
pesto, people, mathematic, science, frisbee in the park, neclect,
berlin, starmix tea, paris, cats, discover some for me unknown
streets in a city by bike with music on, numbers; not names,
laying with my head on the ground and imagine ants are big animals
and the grains of sand become rocks, working together, interaction,
no gum for pencil, dancing all night long, websites, making
pictures without using a tripot, olives..
more viewable fun also on