i'm not a liar, i'm just FAT....!!!
What do you want to know about me than? i am currently studying Product Design, Majoring and specializing in biscuit designs for my final year project, i also work as a free lance biscuit designer, you can laugh but it helps pay my bills. i am currently working on the design pattern for the rich tea V2 which is coming out December in time for xmas.For health and safety reasons i cant tell you anything good about myself. This will result in my instant death! How?! my head will grow and then explode at any effort to do so. i wont bite unless you want me to....!! i have a dislike for Chavs and Townies, if you don't know what they are then you prob are one, SO GET OFF MY GARDEN WALL NOW ...!!!! Also people who don't play are 'shit' and they can also get off my garden wall too and go poo themselves. dang!!!
My life contain many directions but no destination, i don't believe but i do not refuse to believe it.