JoHnNy BoY profile picture

JoHnNy BoY

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hi. I'm Johnny Boy and this is the place where so many people rant about their age, height, weight, birthdate, and other information. Although this information may be interesting, this is a computer. The likelihood that you need to know any of this information is slim. Chances are, this is one of the first profiles you visited. Why? Were you hoping to find out what I looked like before deciding if the rest of my page was worth reading? If I am a 4 foot, 800 pound entity, does that make my site somehow less valuable? Less worthy of being read? And if I am 6 foot and an appropriate weight does that make my site somehow better?Any attempt to describe myself would be an effort in futility to the highest degree. How can I possibly describe myself? There are so many aspects of a personality that are invisible to the person who possesses those aspects. For example, I may be annoying (I probably am to many), but I may be blinded to the full extent of my annoying behaviors. Why? Because they are natural to me. They do not seem annoying to me, but rather to those who interact with me. So, how am I qualified to tell you what I am like? Only others can decide what I am like. But, how could I allow others to describe me? For their descriptions are based on perceptions, not the real person. They perceive my will, and depending upon how my will interacts with their will, their perceptions are formed. What might be an annoying characteristic to one person's will, may be a humorous quality to another. Thus, if I were to allow anyone else to describe me, the descriptions would be necessarily biased. Therefore, my dilema. There is no way I can tell you what I am like. Only you can decide. And then you can only decide how you perceive me, not what I am actually like. There is no objective description of myself: only subjective perceptions of what I am.
The Myspace Whore: This doesn't mean that I'm adding people for popularity. It just means that I'm on here like 24/7. Only when I'm at work though...which is at night...cause of my job...cause I work nightshift. LoL!
Mission Statement:Just trying to get to know more people so that I know where the party is at.
Just to get you started. This is a lil about me. HAHAHA! Do you get it? Never mind. You don't but whatever.
-Close friends and family call me JC
-No I won't tell you what the "C" stands for
-I love music
-I read books
-I'm going to major in Architecture
-Rock the Arts
-The Starbucks name was stolen from the novel Moby-Dick but I love it
-I'm stupid funny
-I have 3 of the best fucking friends in the world
-I pee standing up
-I chew with my mouth closed
-I love the color black
-I will win the lotto one day
-Moms love me
-Dads trust me
-I have a younger brother and younger sister
-I'm an alcoholic
-My job sucks but pays well
-I love twizzlers and reeses pieces
-I jog 2 miles everyday
-I go to HCC
-Multi-vitamins are the way to go
-If you know Charlie, then you're awesome
-I use "Get the fuck out of here" and "This guy" alot
-I don't always pay my cell phone bill
-The Wii rules
-I don't have a sense of style
-I'm an awesome problem solver
-I introduce everyone to everyone
-My coronas + salt is the best band ever
-If I'm drunk(not buzzed). I don't drive
-I keep secrets
-I don't hold grudges
-I forgive and forget but don't ask me for favors
-I'm optimistic
-I'm intelligent but Ignorance is Bliss
-You will only hate me cause I was right and you were wrong
-I'm an asshole only cause I care about you
-I'm nice only cause I don't want to here your shit
-I'm trying to learn the bass guitar
-I'm practicing my vocals skills also
-My brother and I will start a band soon
-I'm one person you can't understand
-I take trips to Austin and RGV(Rio Grande Valley)
-I have a Kiva account
-Anything else is unknown but you can find out if you want
Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other the vices of two-facedness and flightiness. The sign is linked with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth, and its subjects tend to have the graces and faults of the young. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless. They take up new activities enthusiastically but lack application, constantly needing new interests, flitting from project to project as apparently purposelessly as a butterfly dancing from flower to flower. To them life is a game which must always be full of fresh moves and continuous entertainment, free of labor and routine. Changing horses in the middle of the stream is another small quirk in the Gemini personality which makes decision making, and sticking to a decision, particularly hard for them.Since they lack the quality of conscientiousness, they are apt to fight a losing battle in any attempts they make to be moral (in the widest sense of the word). Their good qualities are attractive and come easily to them. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering - provided none of the activities resulting from expressing these traits interferes too greatly with their own lives and comforts. They quickly learn to use their outward attractiveness to gain their own ends, and when striving for these they will use any weapon in their armory - unscrupulous lying, and cunning evasiveness; escaping blame by contriving to put it on other people, wrapped up in all the charm they can turn on. In their better moments they may strive to be honest and straightforward, but self-interest is almost always the victor. If things go against them, they sulk like children. Also like children, they demand attention, admiration, and the spending on them of time, energy and money, throwing tantrums if they don't get what they want. They reflect every change in their surroundings, like chameleons, and can become pessimistic, sullen, peevish and materialistically self-centered if circumstances force them to struggle in any way. If the conditions of life become really adverse, their strength of will may desert them entirely. They can become uncertain of themselves, either withdrawn, or nervously excitable worriers, sullenly discontented, hard and irritable, with "Self" looming ever larger in their struggles. On the other hand their versatility can make them very adaptable, adjusting themselves to control the world around them by means of their inherent ingenuity and cleverness.Most Gemini have a keen, intuitive, sometimes brilliant intelligence and they love cerebral challenges. But their concentration, though intense for a while, does not last. Their mental agility and energy give them a voracious appetite for knowledge from youth onward, though they dislike the labor of learning. They easily grasp almost everything requiring intelligence and mental dexterity, and are often able to marry manual skills to their qualities of mind. Their intellect is strongly analytical and sometimes gives them so great an ability to see both sides of a question that they vacillate and find it hard to make decisions. But their intelligence may very well be used to control and unify the duality of their natures into a most efficient unit. If faced with difficulties, they have little determination to worry at a problem until they find a solution - they will pick the brains of others. In their intellectual pursuits, as in other departments of their lives, they risk becoming dilettantes, losing themselves in too many projects which they follow until they become difficult.In love they are fickle, not intentionally so but because of the basic inconsistency of their emotional nature, which has an amoral aspect to it. Their is a side to Geminians which can become deeply involved emotionally, and another, hostile to sentimentality, which stands back from a romantic situation, laughing at it and the protagonists in it, including themselves while analyzing it intellectually. Gemini subjects take nothing seriously. So, in love, in spite of their temporary depth of feeling, for the intensity of involvement lasts only while it is new, they are superficial, light-hearted, cool, flirtatious and unimaginative in the understanding of the pain they may give others. They like intrigue, the excitement of the chase, but once they have caught the prey, they lose interest and look around for the next creature to pursue. In less serious situations they make witty, entertaining companions, good acquaintances rather than friends. Even at their worst they are never dull - there is usually playfulness below the surface, and they can be brilliant conversationalists - but they can also be quarrelsome, prattlers, boasters, liars and cheats.Geminians can be successful in many walks of life though their general characteristics tend to make them unreliable. They are often skilled manipulators of language, in speech and writing, and may be: debaters, diplomats (though in politics they are more interested in theory than practice), orators, preachers (brilliant rather than profound), teachers, authors, poets, journalists, or lawyers. In business any work which combines quick-wittedness with a change of surroundings suits them; working as a traveling salesperson, brokerage work, or dealing with the public in any capacity is right up their alley. Because they are dispassionate, logical, rational and analytical they make good scientists, especially in the fields of medicine and astronomy. They can also make excellent members of the Armed Forces, for they take danger no more seriously than anything else and can earn themselves a reputation for devotion to duty and heroic acts. In the arts they may excel in music, painting and sculpture. They make good psychic researchers of a sceptical kind. Negatively they can degenerate into confidence tricksters, thieves and even adepts in the black arts.
Monkey Peace

I GOT YOU NOW..2 ..2
AOL Instant Messanger: tragicisforever

A Piece of Mind
By: Johnny Boy
"Mimic the world and that will be your downfall. Individuality is composite.""Your Heart and Mind think the same but never do they act the same?""True Love is a fiction, Real Love is a fact!""Only will the truth come out when you stop lying to your heart and your heart will stop lying to you.""Everything happens for the best. Just remember it's not a test.""Life is precious to those who seek it.""Strive for the best, Prepare for the worst.""If it can't be out in the open, then it shouldn't be tampered with.""Why take something to the grave when the dead can bring it back.""You hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see but you never listen and you never watch. Next time try it. You might learn something.""Love, Life, Sex, Money! It's all predictable. So let's just make it a FASHION statement.""The World doesn't revolve around you, you revolve around the World.""Day by Day and Night by Night, we live our lives for that blissful moment in our minds. Where there is nothing to worry about and everything is perfect. Keep pushing till that day comes.""What if I was the rain? Would I be able to connect with your heart?""Life is one big surprise. Anything else would be preposterous.""Love is out there. You just have to feel it, not find it."Life certainly is a gamble. You just have to decide how much are you willing to gamble.

This is one person I would LOVE to meet. I don't care if ya'll don't like her. I still want to meet her.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone who dares cross my path. Til then...Monkey Peace!Ciao,Johnny Boy

Awesome friends of mine. Show them love.
Two 6 year old boys were attending religous school and giving the teachers problems. The teachers had tried everything to make them behave - time outs, notes home, missed recesses - but could do nothing with them. Finally the boys were sent to see the priest. The first boy went in and sat in a chair across the desk from the priest. The priest asked, "Do you know where God is?" The little boy just sat there.The priest stood up and asked again, "Son, do you know where God is?" The little boy trembled but said nothing.The priest leaned across the desk and again asked, "Do you know where God is?"The little boy bolted out of the chair ran past his friend in the waiting room, all the way home. He got in bed and pulled the covers up over his head. His friend had followed him home asked, "what happened in there?"The boy replied, "God is missing and they think we did it!"
Welcome to the strange, I take it all to heart, This could be what I'm waiting for.
It's your turn, Tell me again how you got my number, You are the only one I would take a shot on.
I've been enchanted, Let me kiss your imperfections, Your stares beg a question, I can't answer.
Can I trust you? I don't care, You are the only one I could take a shot on, The scene was meant to be.
As far as we come.
Then you entered -- CRASH-LANDED, into the studio with a camera, & lassoed my heart with a smile, Guess I'm loving the scene for awhile.
The inner soul released of the rambling mind hit you with my worst line, All tied in these exaggerations, More than true, Hopeless -- a single word that you would not expect from me, Speaking fast still moving slow.
Tis the tale of a liar & a coward, The letter read like this, "Our mutual indecision has lasted too long I think of every word you said & every word I couldn't.
It's permanent.
When reverberation shapes coincidence into destiny Your beauty & love chase after me!"
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Blow - 3-Way - Matrix trilogy - Last Samari - Fight Club - LOTR Trilogy - Spawn - Desperado - Once a Upon a Time in Mexico - Freddy Got Fingered, Fever Pitch - The Mexican - Seven - American Pie 1 2 & 3 - Austin Powers 1 2 & 3 - Team America World Police - Save the Last Dance - Spiderman 1 2 & (3 will like for sure) - Punisher - Lilo & Stitch 1 & 2 - Donnie Darko - Godfather Series - Reqium of a Dream - Old School - Monster-in-Law - Selena - American Wedding - Pitch Black - Chronicles of Riddick - XXX - Fast and Furious 1 & 2 - Starsky & Hutch(new & old version) - Anchorman - Crash - Lords of Dogtown - Clerks - Jay & Silent Bob - Dogma - Breakfest Club - Blade Runner - A Knights Tale - Constantine - Bill & Ted's Adventures series - Back to the Future series - Kill Bill 1 & 2 - Devils Advocate - Pulp Fiction - Get Shorty - Be Cool - Swordfish - XMen 1 2 & (3 will like for sure) - Kung Fu Hustle - Cradle to the Grave - The One - Lethal Weapon series - Romeo must Die - Kiss of the Dragon - Night at the Roxburys - The Mask of Zorro - Heartbreakers - I know what you did last summer series - Scream 1 2 & 3 - Scary Movie 1 2 & 3 - Can't Hardly Wait - Never Been Kissed - 50 Dates - Napolean Dynamite - The Warriors - Night of the Living Dead series - Nightmare Before Christmas - Finding Nemo - Toy Story 1 & 2 - Serendipty - Saw - Enter the Dragon - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Hellboy - From Dusk till Dawn 1 & 2 - Oceans 11 & 12 - Bourne Supremcy & Identity - Friday Night Lights - Monsters Ball - Predator series - Street Fighter - Universal Soldier 1 & 2 - Kickboxer 1 & 2 - Bloodsport - Rocky 1 2 & 3 - Rambo series - The Replacement Killers - Judge Dredd - Demolition Man - Blade 1 2 & 3 - The Recruit - Insomnia - Donnie Brasco - Any Given Sunday - Dick Tracy - Jack Rabbit - The Crow y chingos mas


Family Guy - That 70's Show - Lost - Desperate Housewives - The Dinosaurs - The Simpsons - Arrested Development - According to Jim - 24 - CSI - Commander in Chief - Invasion - Night Stalker - Grey's Anatomy - George Lopez - Alias - Smallville - Supernatural - Will & Grace - Scrubs - Fear Factor - Numbers - Walker Texas Ranger - Seinfield - Everybody Loves Raymond - South Park - Punk'd - The Real World - American Chopper y chingos mas ..


Renaissance Moon & The Da Vinci Code..


My heroes are those of people who can rely on themselves
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My Blog

How do you know when youve had an awesome Whataburger meal?

And pay attention very carefully. There are 3 GOLDEN Rules when eating a Whataburger meal. 1. When you order your meal. You must first and yes it's a must, you must always eat the burger/chicken strip...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 03:07:00 PST

The Mask

I'm being something I'm notlying to those i knowbut instead of being genuineI'm putting on a showi wear this phony maskthis mask is what they lovethis mask has now become meit fits me like a glovethe ...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:45:00 PST

Do I dare? Part One

When the butterflies start singingWhat do I do?What do I say?These feelings start clinging. I lose the words to express how I feelOnly a gaze from my eyes andA dimple that can dazzleCan...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST

Lying to Myself

I don't want to want youAnd I don't want to need you like I doBelieve me loving you isn't something that I wanted to chooseIt just happenedAt times I actually convince myself that I don't love, need, ...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:32:00 PST

Colors that dont' match, Opium salvation

Would if I don't want this methadone anymoreIt has never controlled you, stopped you or confused youJust leave me alone and walk out the doorYou're just as weak as I am as you are to I'm an addict, no...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:15:00 PST

It's a mystery

why I don't show my feelings for anyone any more. Hmmmm....things just get thrown out of proportion and misunderstood. There is never any clarity. I just say fuck and move on. I'm not going to break d...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:56:00 PST


in this life, there's a lot of self-righteous hypocrits. you meet so many kinds of people. its truly amazing the characteristics that make up a true individual. there's the sweet & nice people, ru...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 07:30:00 PST

Lost can only be the beginning

Day by Day I keep feeling like there is something wrong with me. I don't have any emotional problems. I don't understand if that's what I'm looking for. I'm happy with the way things are. I do have pr...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Sat, 20 May 2006 11:55:00 PST

Straight Imperilment

+ I've failed, continue to fail and will fail in the future - How do you know? + I haven't succeeded, yet to succeed and will succeed in the future - How do you know? + I've tried, continue to try and...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Mon, 08 May 2006 06:22:00 PST

Gone With No Explanation

Every night I spent with you One time I caught a rain drop from those burning eyes What did it mean? I counldn't tell if you were happy or sad Calamity, Catastrophe, Repent My detention became the epi...
Posted by JoHnNy BoY on Mon, 08 May 2006 06:17:00 PST