Music, movies, sports, bass guitar, some sort of good books, i read magazines like CRAAAZZYYY.
I would like to meet the person directly on the other side of the Earth from my position.
Arctic Monkeys, LCD Soundsystem, The Mars Volta, Battles, Bloc Party, The White Stripes, Dizze Rascal, The Rapture, The Walkmen, Wolfmother, Bjork, Arcade Fire, The Beatles, Boris, THE BOSSSS if you know what im sayin....THE BOSS, interpol, The Knife, KLAXONS, Muse, there's more....but this is most recent.
STan Kubrick and I both agree that Stanley Kubrick is the best person We know. (EFFFFF the naysayers)
The Office, BRIT VERSION ONLY please, The american version can PISS OFFFFFF, The Office is nothing without Ricky Gervais.
Less Than Zero....ooohh boy what a book. uhh... da vinci code was ACE. World War Z was/is fun, High Fidelity was a good book but the ending was terrible....seriously, he just packs it all in and goes back out with his ex-girl who MOVED IN with some other dude. yeah it's about growing up but he sold himself out for sure.
Happy humans