PiCKLeD LiveR profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am getting HUUUGE Down Under!!! By that I mean after living here in Melbourne for 2 1/2 yrs I'm getting around. Wait! That sounds wrong. I mean to say that I am enjoying myself too much... hold on... ummm...I know! I put the "F-U" in "FUN"! there!

My Interests

Moving around, Cooking, Reading, bludging...

I'd like to meet:

Buddha, Elvis, the person(s) that invented the little plastic bits at the end of my shoelaces, the little plastic clip that holds my bread bag shut, and velcro. Also my old friends from that really cool class in 6th grade...except Vicente...he was an asshole...


Anything with a righteous vibe or anything that makes the women shake their money makers


Star Wars, E.T., anything with ninjas, Edward Scissorhands, LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter, Motorcycle Diaries, The Man Who Saw tomorrow, etc.


Not getting too much of it here in Aus. If I do, it's foreign films on SBS, ABC, Getaway, animal docos, Aus Rules football, cricket, Rage (ill). All time faves are Natl Geographic, Discovery, History, Food network, Travel Channel


SHANTARAM! If you haven't read this book, wait no longer. The Celestine Prophecy, Mutant Message Down Under, The Alchemist, LOTR Trilogy, Far Out, Brussel Sprout, anything by Clive Cussler, Dan Brown, or John Grisham, erm....I like the Aussie kiddie books I get for my nephews with cool illustrations and the story in 2 languages...


Dalai lama, my familia, spider man, yoda, Madonna 1988 version...

My Blog

A.D.D. - I lose my thoughts when I see the dots

In response to a Comment from one of my bros about my MIAism: Yeah, still throwing down like james brown in Chinatown dressed as a clown that's jacked on smack who's snacks on crack at the crack ...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:38:00 PST

Melbourne Again Identity

"He's going the distance He's going for speed He's all alone In his time of need"-CakeG'Hafa day mates,It's your friendly neighbo(u)rhood Spider eDo, comingto you live and direct from Melbourne, Austr...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 10:06:00 PST

S'CooL S'CooL BukoL!

I've been back into the swing(slow as it is) of life back on Guuuuaaaamm. Mellow is an understatement. Work is kickin my @$$. Not physically ofcourse cuz I'm back in the cool, cushy office of a travel...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Guam, BayBee!

"Guam is Good, Guam is Hot, Guam is just such a little spot! It's a beautiful island Underneath the Sun Where America's Day Begins!" -excerpt from local song by KC Hello and "Hafa Adai" ...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


What are these Feelings That U are putting me through Human parts of our being This much I know's true Frustrated, hated, n faded Dejected, rejected n just plain shut out I played it n hate it...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Continuing Adventures of Stooper eDo/ originally a mass email Blogged 4 ur reading pleasure

My words are a reflection Of my feelings, my reaction. It is the mirror of my desire, It ignites my being and my soul afire! -Jade Miranda Hi There true believers & loyal readers! It has...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Anyone got advice...

Hello and "Kamusta" as they say here in the Philippines, As I finish up my travels here before moving on, a great urge calls forth to me, to find appropriate reading materials prior to moving onwa...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

still flipping out in the Philippines

"All that glitters is not gold, all who wander are not lost." -JRR Tolkien Wow! It's been some time since I've last updated, I know. I figured everyone needed more time to scroll through the nove...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Status on the apparatus

Will wonders never cease!?! It seems technology has made it's way to the generally indifferent province of Aklan on the island of Panay in the heart of the Philippines. If you recall, I was un...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Feeling Fine in the Philippines!

Okay, I'm quite ridiculous when it comes to writing > > nowadays. This is more of a novel, and should be read > > on a day off, or printed out and used as cushion. Just > > ridiculous...enjoy! > >...
Posted by PiCKLeD LiveR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST