mella. profile picture


keep the diamonds in my hair, new york, new york

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Lutko♥- bopping to the beat of the radio++++++++++++ MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

.white choc with sprinkles.
.reading addictive books.
.cheese platters.
.my prada phone.
.tiffany and co.
.minnie mouse.
.husky voices.
.my bedroom.
.love letters.
.bubble baths.
.girly stuff.
.chunky rings.
.thai food.
.my ipod.
.high heels.
.the beach.
.lazy days in pjs.
.being entertained.
.lindsay lohan.
.boys boys boys.
.david la chapelle.
.cory kennedy.
.young hollywood.
.croatia ♥.
.freshly painted nails.
.pleasure state lingerie.
.anywhere with a view.
.russh mag deliveries.

I'd like to meet:

people that dont bring along bad news


kings of leon. maximo park. yeah yeah yeahs. presets. cut copy. hanson. elvis. jewel. U2. bloc party. the killers. teagan and sara. bic runga. alanis morrisette. babyshambles. end of fashion. radiohead. black eyed peas. manic street preachers. queen. Srebrna Krila. Thompson. hot chip.


Amélie. factory girl. aquamarine. candy. showgirls. memoires of a geisha. breakfast at tiffany's. the freedom writers.


.laguna beach season 2.
.little britain.


sugarbabe-Holly Hill.
elvis and me-Priscilla Presley
forever barbie-M.G Lord.
if only-Geri Halliwell.
memoirs of a geisha-Arthur Golden.
gold diggers-Tasmina Perry.
but enough about me-Jancee Dunn.


♥..Daddy..r.i.p ♥

My Blog

n i h i l i s m

NiHiLisM wiLL VaCCinAtE YeW AgAinsT aLL BULLshit...NiHiLisM Wins beCaUse it Never LoSes. nIhILISm dISaPPeaRs aS SooN As YEW bELIEvE In it...NiHiLiSm dOESn'T REcoGnIsE CyniCIsm...NihiLism iS a vOid Tha...
Posted by mella. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST