many many diversely cultural wanky things. + kim bodnia, the actor man.
my boss's wife.
tomis' autobahn - i love the pornesque tracks on it. craig armstrong. gabriel yared. portishead's dummy. whitney houston in the 90's
i really love steel magnolias. cry baby. jumping jack flash. the little mermaid. curly sue. ghost. singles. i liked the sound of holly hunter's voice in the piano. hackers. dream a little dream. dragonflies, the swedish film.
planet earth. the cooking channel. documentaries about sharks and mammoth sea creatures. Press Gang on Channel 2 (UK 90s).
girl with a pearl earring. catcher in the rye. anna karenina. platform. photographic/art essays. my EXIT coffee table book from the london tate. a good cook book. a chilling chilling so chilling i can't have my back facing the door at night while reading it thriller. many theoretical books on women.