Sherry profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I currently wear a few hats... I am a full time firefighter/paramedic for the Oklahoma City Fire Department. I have been with them very happily for 15 years...hope I can give them at least 15 more!!! I am co-owner of the Supplement Shak, a supplement shop that caters mostly to athletes and bodybuilders or people that just want to take their gym workouts to the next level. I am a personal trainer with approximately 10 full-time (meet at least 3 days a week)clients and a handful of part-time clients. In September of 2006, after 10 years of trying, I finally obtained my Professional Bodybuilding status with the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilders)and am looking forward to competeing in my first show as a Pro in August 2007. As you can see, I am very active. I LOVE meeting new people and LOVE to travel to new places. I absolutely LOVE every aspect of my life and can't think of a thing I would change (aside from getting a little more down time now and then).

My Interests

Check out my website:!!! I am into anything that has to do with the gym, bodybuilding, working out, or nutrition. I LOVE it!!! I LIVE it!!! I am also one of the BIGGEST MMA (mixed martial arts)groupies in the world!

I'd like to meet:

Oprah, Arnold Schwarzenegger,John Travolta Stay tuned...

Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts


I am SERIOUS when I say I really like everything...some more than others...but I find music can really set your mood. I am not ashamed to say that my guilty pleasure is 80s hair bands!


I am a big fan of goofy movies: Napoleon Dyanamite, Anchorman, and classics like Tommy Boy and Sixteen Candles. I also dig movies with great special effects.


I'm a sucker for a GOOD reality show. Also a big cartoon fan!


The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein; The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz; The Eye of the Storm by Max Lucado


My mother! She is such a BEAUTIFUL person...and I strive to be at least 1/2 of what she is everyday! My father. For raising me to ALWAYS have a sense of humor about yourself! My brother. For his compassion for ALL other human beings...AND for being the biggest DORK I know (its a good thing-really)

My Blog

Random Update

Check out my random thoughts for today.... &t=48&st=0entry106...
Posted by Sherry on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 02:29:00 PST

You gotta be kiddin me!

As you all may be aware (if you read my profile or know me), I am a firefighter/paramedic. I absolutely LOVE my job. Occasionally, we get called for frivolous things. Last night at about 3:00 a.m. we...
Posted by Sherry on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 10:00:00 PST