recycling, volunteer, charity, reading, cooking, dancing
I'm looking just for friends. People interested in making a difference in this world, people who is not afraid to protest if something is wrong, people who fight for the human rights, who fight against the injustice, people who follow their dreams. We can make a difference, we can do our best every day!
acoustic, instrumental,guitar, piano, saxophone, violin, Rumba-Flamenco-Gypsy, Salsa, Celtic/Irish, Jazz, Soundtracks, Opera, Classical, 80's, Classic Rock
The Mission, Dead Poets Society, I Am David, The Lord of the Rings, Forest Gump, The Schindler's List, Brave Heart.Foreign Films.
I watch the news
Universal History,Les Miserables, National Geographic, also: Isabel Allende,Pablo Neruda,Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Paulo Cohelo, Mario Vargas Llosa
Any person who fight for the Human Rights, also: Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela,Mother Theresa, Oskar Schindler.