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I do many different things. I am a photographer, model promoter and assist them in getting jobs, web designer amongst other things.
I am a photographer for My website is at I moderate a Yahoo group that models can go to learn about unscruplolous photographers. Join it here:
Click to join ModelsHelpGroup
I am a person who loves to learn and travel. I can have any job that allows me to do both. Therefore I am a very inquistive person and sometimes ask more questions then I should. I am initally shy, but when I get to know someone then I become more outgoing. I will also be very outspoken about things that I care about and am a very take charge person.
I am a Catholic and take my faith very seriously and get offended when others manipulate the Bible for their political purposes. I try to live my faith every day. The primary message being Do Justice, Give Mercy and Walk Humble and help others who are less fortunate.
I love photography, computers, women, making women look the best that they possibly can, sports and outdoor activities. If I could combine all of these things then all the better. I have a pin that says "Why Be Normal?" That pretty much sums up my philosophy.
Here are samples of my photography:
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