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Sunder Ashni

About Me

In the marketplace searching the inner space allows me to be be see the beauty in this moment and this moment and this...remembering that all things are one..that life is extraordinarily ordinary;) Sharing meditation( Dance and love. Fluid and Timeless Beyond all bodies You fly In no particular tongue love from you flows Glide high Squat low Regal In your eyes centuries Warriors HUman and not You belong to no KIng Dumb For lack of knowledge you never claimed the world But claimed yourself proclaimed yourself master of all realms revolving in your bodies Queen does not become you No name does suit you No language can fit your grandeur inside its narrowed shallow walls Lacking knowledge Full you are A space to be entered Soil to be planted in Sky to soar in Ocean to drown in You know not in this world with its limits and not knowing You sing like a child to the breeze and dance silently on wet grass WHile you reach for the sky and touch it NOt knowing this world and its limits You are space Infinite Love is nourishment for the soul. Just as food is to the body, so love is to the soul. Without food the body is weak, without love the soul is weak. And no state, no church, no vested interest has ever wanted people to have strong souls, because a person with spiritual energy is bound to be rebellious.Love makes you rebellious, revolutionary. Love gives you wings to soar high. Love gives you insight into things, so that nobody can deceive you, exploit you, oppress you.-Osho

My Interests

Dance, dreaming, love, truth, Meditation, trees, soil, stars, weavingwords, soundsvibration, discovery, every moment, growth

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If you don't know this is OSHO..this is an enlightening and hilarious clip.... spirituality/meditation for me is all about being open and play-full:) Enjoy!


A Waste of mind


Creativity, Joy, Book of the Secrets, Autobiography of spiritually incorrect Mysic by OSHO, Animal Speak, Anything about aromatherapy, herbs, essential oils or alternative forms of healingYou can heal your life by Louise l. Hay, Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.............

My Blog


Last Night ...I shared Osho Nataraj Meditation in NYC. There was a beautiful play-full energy in the group. It always amazes me how I can continue to rediscover the power of dance, each time I allow...
Posted by Sunder Ashni on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:24:00 PST

Dynamic Meditation

OSHO Dynamic Meditation morningIn a 21 Day Active Meditation Practice, one hour, every day, every morningThursday February 1st to Wednesday February 21stThis is the popular active morning meditation. ...
Posted by Sunder Ashni on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:25:00 PST