eL Goonbaggio profile picture

eL Goonbaggio

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Part robot, part cat, a guru of the times.. I am Box Wineo, born of fire and brimstone in 1309 AD to incestuous parents in a small german sect, isolated from society and educated by travelling monks from Tibet. I soon became an explorer of the world destined to go down in history as the first man to survive 6 years of scurvey at the merciless hands of the St Goon tobacco freight ship, tradgedy struck when the ship ran aground in 1345 after chasing whaling vessels in an attempts to secure the rights to their illustrious blubber trade, i broke both my legs and was rendered impotent from numerous strikes to the groin area after a vicious panda attack. Taken into care by a militant group of spider monkeys known as "The Peoples Liberation Monkeys" my wounds were treated and I was educated in the ways of tree swinging, I was soon banished after being involved in a scandalous affair with the head monkeys wife that would cause a stir in the PLM community, the likes of which were not seen since the great bannana famine of 803 AD, after hiding out in the jungle for some 6 years i was found by a group of explorers who garunteed me safe passage back to germany in exchange for the rights to my story..

My Interests

gettin wasted, listenin to music, socialising, nerdy stuff like video games, bestiality and assorted illegal pornography

I'd like to meet:

I wanna finally put a face to that voice that tells me to kill, hes around somewhere...


everything except country


arthouse, blockbuster, anything thats well written, tho i do like cheap horror films, oh and gialo


dont watch, it rots ure brain right, the internet tho, thats doesnt


i am illiterate


mate im my own fucken hero okay?

My Blog


Is'nt life strange, its funny how things can change considerably in such a short period of time, it doesnt happen often though, these are the moments you wait for in life, the ones that decide the pat...
Posted by eL Goonbaggio on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:11:00 PST

Centrelink why?

ok so its good friday woot, nothings  open, now as you all might know, i myself am a dole bludger, i hand in forms every 12 weeks and get paid on a forghtnightly basis, now i get paid on fridays,...
Posted by eL Goonbaggio on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:24:00 PST

Fucking Alcohol..

Well it was a hot day on friday 37 or something, i sat at home most of the day just watchin tv shows n shit just sitting around waiting for what was to be one of the most awe inspiring games ever seen...
Posted by eL Goonbaggio on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 06:52:00 PST

Here I Go Again On My Own...

God Damn.. Im not gonna lie, I'm a ladies man I guess, I mean i dont have trouble finding or picking up women, if im lonely i can go out and be garunteed to come home with someone if i try, but im yet...
Posted by eL Goonbaggio on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 12:25:00 PST

Davo, what u fucken do??

So, last night im up till fucken 3 am playing cs, cause some closet faggot named davo convinced me too, serious, it was like the time he tried to convince me that OZ wasnt just a show for cunts who wa...
Posted by eL Goonbaggio on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 07:27:00 PST

Who likes fucken concrete?

Well for my first blog I might delve into the day to day routine that is my job, but first I would like to say "john gay is a cunt", anyway, so heres the deal, i get up, i dig and clean 10 post holes ...
Posted by eL Goonbaggio on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:14:00 PST