peggie profile picture


manga n anime RuLeZ!! french horn da BEST!!!

About Me

argh... do i hafta tok abt miself here again?? hmm... how to sae.. i like to cycle. slack. talk. phone. watch tv. movies. music. play french horn. swim. read novels. manga. anime. yaoi. shoujo. learn languages. slack (i said this hor). still slack. ps: moi tthe one in red

My Interests

CYCLING!! hmm.. chatting, playing, hang out wif frenz, irc, reading, doing games or wateva i love, MANGA!! still got others i cant recall offhand~

I'd like to meet:

anyone lor.. 'good' ppl can le~~ XD lol....


all kinda!! mi used to be from band so.. of cuz open to classical~ then there's os jpop, ballads, metal, r&b, rap.. everything!


hmm.... horror flicks best.. but romance, action, comedy n wateva i'm okie wif them~


any books by Judith McNaught, Johanna Lindsey, David Eddings n lotsa others!! ^_^ romance novels mostly though~ n maybe some jap language books.. =P

My Blog


kyaa~~ here got journal too eh.. but i've already got one that i update regularly ne!! it's at do go visit n maybe leave ur name in moi guestmap.. ^_^ peg signing off~~
Posted by peggie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST