sLEep, eAt, sLeEP, eAt, DO mAthS!! lolX.. hmM.. plaY bbAll.. sLAck.. laZe aROund At hOMe.. sUrf NeT.. IRc...
meEt aRh.. mEEt in peRsOn reAlly dUN haVe thE tiMe... meEt In nEt cAn lOhz.. meEt fUn and sUnNy aNd bUbBly and cRAzy pPL lIke mE! OthErs aRe AlSo weLcoMEd.. lolX... HeHeheE
chIneSe pOp....
nOw iS tuRn leFt tuRn riGht.. coUlDn't Get oVeR thE roMaNtic sTOrY lInE....
wAHahhAhA... TeXt bOOkz? lOlx.. hMm.. coMiCsss I'Ll die wiThOUt thEm...