Music, art, reading books about nutrition, tofu, seeing shows, road trips (but I never get to go on them), Masters of the Universe, playing bass, dreaming, dumpster diving, making crafty crap, kissing Miles, hanging out with the girls, reading, dressing mannequins, sleeping in the park on a sunny day or a starry night (people keep talking me out of sleeping in the park at night lately but I'm going to start doing it again.)
I like to meet people who have there own philosophies on life and don't fit into the molds that society tries to make. People with a compassionate soul and a loyal heart are the ones I look for.
Submission Hold, Mastadon, Isis, Pelican, Black Dahlia Murder, Fakermark, Botch, 400 Blows, Cursive, Eastern Youth, the Mars Volta, Against Me!, Darkest Hour, LAST ACT OF MAN, Boris, Red Sparowes, BRMC, Sonic Youth, Modest Mouse, Planes Mistaken For Stars....
Barfly, Basquiat, American Movie, Romper Stomper, Dirty Dancing(i can't help it)
all bad reality shows about blooper weddings and funny animals... so so so so bad
Manifesta, Stupid White Men, The Black Dahlia, Bitch, Bust, Juxtapoz, and Heart Attack mags...
Mr. Rogers, my brothers, Kim Gordon, and Robert Malson (if you know where he is, tell him I'm looking for him!)