The Pillars (especially the hadjj). The Political. The Periodical. Shabbat is kind of fun. Land for peace. A One-State Solution.
Egyptian and Lebanese pop, especially Shareen and Amu Diab. The Muezzin (5 times a day). There's some good Israeli Noise. Oum Kolthoum.
Jerusalem film festival.
Al Jazeera International.
The Road. The Great Deluge. Multicultural Citizenship. The Difficulty of Tolerance. Murder in Amsterdam. Absurdistan. Justice without Borders. Liberal Nationalism. The Blind Side. Political Liberalism. Infidel. Special Topics in Calamity Physics. Indecision. A Theory of Justice. On The Social Contract. On Liberty. Restless Genius. In The Footsteps of the Prophet. A history of the Arab Peoples. A history of Israel. Palestine. The Jewish State. Lonely Planet Mid-East. Where now for Palestine? The Right to Return. The Yacoubian Building.
David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Zinedine Zidane, Bertie P, Malice, King Abdullah II of Jordan.