watching movies.. surfing the books..eating..sleeping..badminton..volleyball..malling..sho pping till i drop..texting..watching tv..
anybody.. maybe you.. yes.. you...%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A
ashanti..incubus..matchbox20..ryan cabrera..mariah carey..session road..destiny's child..linkin park
a walk to remember..mean girls..the sassy of angels** troy*mAtRiX TrIlOgY*SwEeT NoVeMbEr**5o first dates*LOTR tRiLoGy*HaRrY PoTteR*cAsPeR*dEvIlS aDvOcAtE*pRiNcEsS dIaRiEs* sPiDeRmAn*D pRiNcE and mE*nOt aNoThEr tEeN mOvIe!* tHe nOtEbOoK* mIsS cOnGeNiAlItY*cInDeRelLa sToRy*13 gOiNg 30*mEsSaGe iN a bOtTlE*nOtTiNg hILL* pReTtY wOmAn* tHe gIfT*LiZzIe McGuIrE D mOvIE***
mtv..full houe..all about eve..national geographic network about fashion and cooking especially cakes and pastas..cartoons..
fairy tale books..novels..any..dictionary..encyclo..harry potter..lizzie mcguire