21 years oLd.
I have the skiLLs to get where I want in Life
But keeping focused and motivating myseLf isn't one of my strong points.
I'm the Laziest person to waLk earth.
I have Lots of mates
But onLy a few I can caLL my friends
And those are the onLy peopLe I wouLd die for.
Too many peopLe have bitched about me
But I've got to the point where I don't care
And I'm not surprised if peopLe I don't know hate me.
No words can come cLose to expLaining
how much you mean to me.
You're the reason why i'm here everyday :)
I ♥ you, MARLBORO=P haha!!=P
My Interests
comment=)) comment=))
I'd like to meet:
♠ TANY ♠
♠ AYAM'4'GA ♠
I cant Live without NIRVANA.
Tho its soo shitty!
i miss you so fucking much.. KURT