carports and hot rides:
womyn, rollin' with my posse of homeless-looking cats, sleeping, rolling on asphalt, meowing until my bald animals feed me, chasing other cats into corners, chasing bugs (sometimes eating them), being cool, laughing at those captive traitors inside, spraying, following my humans to get the mail when i feel like it, biting them, cultivating dreadlocks, smoking/eating/rolling in/loving 'nip... NEW WORLD ORDER, viva la revolucion!
the wild life:
pure and simple: da ladies. and some homies.don't player hate.
what the fuck? you think i got a stereo out here or something?? when i lived inside the only music my stupid humans played that i like was funk. i'm funky myself.
alright now i don't even know about this shit...
sometimes some newspaper blows my way. but i am usually too busy being cool, anyway.
Macho Man