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About Me

Peace Ladies and Gents, I'm currently studing abroad for a year or two. I'm traveling to different places in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. About myself, I'm an Educated Black Muslim, to think of me otherwise would be a misnomer. I'm getting my global experience now and when I come back to the US in a year or, I'll be getting my academic experience from Howard University (MBA). I grow up in Philly so I know what "hard times" are & I've had some great jobs in the DC Metro after college so I know what "good times" are too. I like to think of myself as a very balanced and global person. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know, but I think I can touch on alot of subjects. I like intelligent conversations about anything. My rule of thumb is put Allah & his Messenger first and everything else will follow. Thats been my practice since I imbraced to Islam 3 years ago and I haven't looked back, All praise due to Allah. I"m into spreading the "truth" about the creed of Prophet Muhammed and his Umma. I'm also into World History. I'm a outgoing person, if there is a better way, I'm on it. Ok, anything else you need to know ask. My advise to you is become MUSLIM before that Angel comes for your soul. By the way, it was once said that those who don't benefit are of two types: 1.People who are to Shy 2.Those who think they know already----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------THE CORRECT BELIEF IN ALLAAHTo avoid confusion, the correct creed will be discussed before discussing their incorrect creed. Know that Allaah exists differently from anything else. He alone is without a beginning, because no one created Him. He is the only Creator. He exists everlastingly and does not change. He is perfect. Before creating the creations, He existed without them. He existed before the skies or the 3Arsh existed, and He now exists as He eternally existed, without those creations affecting or changing Him. He is alive without a body or soul, and without needing sustenance. He is knowledgeable without a teacher and does not learn or forget. He possesses the perfect knowledge of everything, and the creations exist only as He knew they would. He has power to bring things from non-existence into existence. He creates without tools and without getting weak or sleepy. He has the eternal and everlasting Will, by which He specified His creations with particular places, directions, shapes, colors, times, changes, movements, stability, hardships, ease, choice, free will, and everything else He eternally willed for His creations. His management is unhindered and uninterrupted. He cannot be distracted because He does not have limbs. He has no partner, wife, parent, son, branch, origin, nor opposite. He does not need anything, not a space to occupy, nor time to bind Him. He is not benefited nor harmed by His creatures. He sees without eyes and hears without ears eternally, without looking into a direction, without needing volume or sound waves, light, time, or space. Nothing is hidden from Him. He speaks with His eternal Kalaam (speech), without it being of a word, letter, sound, nor language. It is not the result of organs touching or air moving, and it does not come from any direction. Allaah does not resemble anything in the universe. He is not composed of atoms, nor does He have their characteristics, such as color, shape, place, motion, stillness, texture, temperature, etc. He is neither inside nor outside, since those are places for bodies. He is not in a particular place, nor is He everywhere. He exists without being in any place. He does not have the attributes of the creations. The creations are not parts or attributes of Allaah. All of His attributes are eternal and everlasting. Since His Self is Eternal, His attributes cannot be created. He is different from whatever is imagined. Let there be no doubt that this is the correct belief in Him, the mighty Lord with the perfect names.

My Interests

Are you learning the obligatory knowledge?-------------------------------------------------- -----There is a certain portion of the Islamic knowledge that every account able person must know, because who ever does not learn the personal obligatory knowledge can't guarantee his is safe from doing the sins ALLAH forbade us from doing. Indeed if the person really and sincerely wants to follow the Messenger of ALLAH, he must learn the obligatory knowledge and implement it in his life. Ameen

I'd like to meet:

People who fear ALLAH & hope for his mercy. Also, those searching for the True.------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------Nigger Niggas & Niggaz, PLEASE check this out True Lies


Ask about itFKD, Home of the Champions




Philly, say no more


Prophet Muhammad (May ALLAH raise is rank), the Salif andAND

My Blog

Message to my Sister’s, you what you wear

My message is, you are what you wearYeah, I know you don’t care, but I believe you have a mind up there"I think about"Dress to small, who cares you have a Harvard Degree on the wallShirt so tigh...
Posted by Knowledge on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 06:56:00 PST

Best thing about Egypt the sex

The best thing is Egypt is the sex, the absence of it that is.  I'm not saying people in Egypt don't have sex, of course they do but your not abused with it 24/7 like you are in America.  Be...
Posted by Knowledge on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 09:45:00 PST

The Correct belief in Allah, & the incorrect belief of the wahhabiyys (so-called salfis)

The correct belief in Allah, and the incorrect belief of the wahhabiyys (the so called salfis) THE CORRECT BELIEF IN ALLAAH            Know that...
Posted by Knowledge on Fri, 25 May 2007 06:19:00 PST

Who Invented the Trinity?

The three monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - all purport to share one fundamental concept: belief in God as the Supreme Being, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Known...
Posted by Knowledge on Fri, 04 May 2007 05:42:00 PST

Why are most people uncomfortable about Religion

On a day to day basis I engage people in a discussion about religion, the other person either shuts down or becomes very defensive.  My best guess is that they feel inferior about the knowle...
Posted by Knowledge on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:14:00 PST

Are rappers to blame for Imus racist comments

Rappers call our black women b*t*hes and hoes all day and it gets promoted on all the radio stations and music video outlets.  They make millions by belittling the mothers of our sons and daughte...
Posted by Knowledge on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 08:16:00 PST

Stong Black Female

Is the Strong Black Female "SBF" image  destroying "Black Families".  The SBF is hard, the SBF is independent, the SBF is "real", the SBF don't take no BS, the SBF knows ...
Posted by Knowledge on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:17:00 PST