I enjoy poltics a great deal I am a voting demorcrat and have been since the age of 18. I also am a sports fanatic and I support my hometown teams.
If I had a choice of someone to meet I would love to meet one of my ancesstors, unfortunately my family tree is very shakey and I dont really know where I come from. I can only go back two or three generations on both sides of my family so it makes it hard to trace your where abouts. Some people can go back in there family line for hundreds of years, I would love to know what part of Africa my family was stolen from.
Im a old school R&B step in the name of love knid of guy. But please dont get me wrong i love Hip Hop, but if had to chose between Jay-Z or Usher in my CD player well thats tough...Its hov!!!
I love movies I try to see the good films that spark my attention when they come out in theaters. I dont really have a preference I just respect good actors, A.K.A Johnny Depp, a real actor's actor.
Im a News hound, I cant get enough of current events. My TV stays glued to CNN or MSNBC almost all the time unless the KNICKS, GIANTS, YANKEES, or MIAMI HURRICANES are on the tube.
More of New York Times, Wall st Journal kind of guy, I dont really like reading novels to much, unless its the 911 report, Damn this administration!!!!
Clarence& Brenda Canty, Viola & Jerry Powell, Jerry Jr. & Alberta Powell...in other words my family they're the people I look up to the most they help make me who I am today.