For the past 30 years American culture has become desensitized towards true creativity Or if you prefer the almighty wand of Hollywood has created an influx of talentless, uninspired, morons!! However now it's not just American Culture that’s been fooled. This disease of Auto Iconization is spreading becoming a Global pandemic if you will!!! Turn on any 'REALITY' show and see if you can predict the next 'ICON' ,Lets face it their is no comparison possible for Monroe and Smith and on and on and on.....We hope to bring a new realm of thought, yes independent non-spoon fed no glitter in the eye from the......... Hollywood Wand of Deception!
Listen and more importantly stop letting yourself be told that Mr., or Ms Blank from where the fuck ever is going to be the next who the fuck ever!!!!!Tthe more 'Icons' we allow to be shoved in our face, the less truly thought provoking intelligent and creative ARTISTS will survive!!!!
If it's in you, it must come out.