Lord Jakeington profile picture

Lord Jakeington

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a big fan of cameras, here's some stuff I did with them: jakeholt.com
And here: flickr
My blog: typepad

My Interests

music, photography, history, cats, sleep, showers, chap-stick, alien conspiracy theories, Apple computers, beaches, sun, clouds, rain, mountains, cities, countryside, driving with the windows down and singing badly, laser valmorification, taking road trips for no damn reason, laughing both with and at others, continually attempting to train for a marathon but quitting at around 7 miles

I'd like to meet:

People whom I can use as means to an end, and Immanuel Kant. People who are creative and make me laugh. People who enjoy driving to the coast on a whim just to see the ocean. People who are willing to indulge my need to take lots and lots and lots of photos.And...Princess!


Yo La Tengo, Broadcast, The Pixies/Frank Black/Black Francis/Whatever, Deerhoof, David Bowie, Guided By Voices, Smog, Cat Power, R.E.M., Spoon, My Bloody Valentine, The New Pornographers, A.C. Newman, Sonic Youth, Tool, The Smashing Pumpkins, Luna, Dean and Britta, Sleater Kinney, Air, Guided By Voices, Pataphysics, The Bricks ATX, The Carrots, The Rentals, The Polyphonic Spree, Pavement, The Beatles, The Stabs, Radiohead, Imperial Teen, Bjork, Pearl Jam, Stereolab, Mum, Maya Bond, The Velvet Underground, P.J. Harvey, Peter, Bjorn and John, Ween


The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, Punch Drunk Love, Amelie, Pootie Tang, Better Off Dead, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Team America, The Beatles Do Your Mom - LIVE!, Adaptation, Sideways, The Godfather, Walk The Line, The Shawshank Redemption, Magnolia


Mr. Show, Six Feet Under, Arrested Development, The History Channel and Discovery Channel in general, The Daily Show, Conan O'Brien, infinite repeats of Sportscenter during football season, The Office


Kurt Vonnegut, History Textbooks, Douglas Coupland, Philip K. Dick


My future world-emperor self